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Finger Tendon
9/21 14:15:20
Joe A Shaw PA-C - 8/4/2010

January of last year around this time I strained the tendon at the joint closest
to the fingertip of my middle finger during bowling league (not sure how or
when). I had x-rays at the time to prove nothing was broken and the doctor
said that I probably strained the tendon(s). I felt like it has gotten better but
not as good as I hoped and now it will make this popping noise at that joint
at times (more often after use) which doesn't really hurt but feels tender like a
bruise when the popping occurs or when joint is squeezed. This is kinda
stupid but may help you help me  but when I take the top of that joint and
press it against the top edge of a glass it hurts. (more than just squeezing the
joint). The doctor told me that its kinda like arthritis but in the finger since it
hasn't completely healed and that I would be okay to bowl when bowling
leagues start back up. Does this sound like something else to you or do you
agree with what my doctor has said and that I would be okay to start bowling
again in the middle of August? Thanks for your help.

If Jan of last yr it is arthritis most likely. Although Sometimes people will get a split of sorts in the tendon a linear split(in line w the tendon,not a split across the tendon..Not a whole lot to do at this point,You may want to get an opinion of hand surgeon to see if surgery would help or not?I think bowling may aggravate it but probably wont make it worse one way or the other.
You could use biofreeze gel after useage to help w the inflammtion or a Rx voltaren gel.

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