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carpal tunnel syndrome
9/21 14:15:20
Joe A Shaw PA-C - 8/5/2010

Hello Joe,  I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome a couple of years ago. I had one cortisone injection which worked really well but at Christmas just gone it wore out and I needed another, but that one didn't work and now I have been referred to an orthopaedic consultant.

Thing is I have a pretty tricky case. Along with the carpal tunnel syndrome I also have some form of writers cramp and my hand locks up when writing or using a whisk for example. The problem here of course is that as far as I am aware, writers cramp and carpal tunnel are not linked in any way so I have two problems.

I have an additional problem though. I have been having other health problems recently and my GP sent me for an MRI scan of the brain. It showed up that I have tiny spots of possible demyelination on the left side of my brain. My Doctor has explained the implication of this to me and that it may be a sign of MS but she is not putting weight into that and I have to wait to see a neurologist.

Anyway back to the hand. Are you aware of carpal tunnel symptoms being caused by a neurological deficit rather than a squished median nerve?

If I went for nerve conduction testing would it say one way or the other?


I have attached a good thread below that you might find helpful.
Diabetes can cause numbness and tingling/burning diabetic neuropathy and diabetes makes you more prone to CTS.
A pinched nerve in the neck can sometimes mimic CTS.
If you get an MRI, NCS/EMG w proper physical exam and history you will most likely have a diagnosis..
Try to increase your potassium intake to see if that helps the cramps.
Best regards

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