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Neck Pain Problems Helped With Chiropractic Therapy In Cumming, GA
9/23 9:30:28
The Cumming Chiropractor can help people who are experiencing certain types of neck pain. The chiropractor is trained to alleviate pain through gentle manipulation and massage as well as other non surgical techniques. A chiropractor focuses on the nervous and mechanical systems of the body.

A spine that is out of alignment will cause a person to feel pain. The spine can come out of alignment when a person bends to pick up an object with the back rather than the legs. The leg muscles are large compared to the small back muscles. When a person uses his or her back rather than the legs to lift, the back experiences undue strain.

But people who are sitting down for long periods are also putting undue stress on their backs. Those who sit down in front of a computer or behind the wheel of a vehicle can cause their back to get out of alignment. The chiropractor will perform, in this case, a series of spinal manipulations in order to place the spine into correct alignment. But before the chiropractor does any type of therapy, he or she will perform complete body exam.

He or she wants to identify the source of the pain before starting any type of therapy. One type of neck problem is cervical sprain injury. This is more commonly known as whiplash. Those involved in a car accident are prone to this problem.

Those with whiplash will experience inflammation and pain in the neck area. People with this condition might experience intense pain if they try to turn their head from side to side. The chiropractor will recommend adjustments and massages in order to relieve the pain.

Of course there are other reasons for neck pain. Stress can cause people to have neck pain. In this case, a chiropractor can perform massage therapy to help people to relax. He can also teach patients how they can perform stress relieving exercises. The Cumming Chiropractor is trained to help people with neck no matter its source.

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