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Pain No More Through Decompression
9/23 9:29:38
If anyone has had any back pain or neck pain you know how completely miserable it can be. It can take over your whole life and make it difficult to function. You must use your back for just about everything; sitting, walking, or standing, so when it goes out it makes just simple everyday activities a chore and sometimes unbearable.

Life with pain is hard to understand unless you've been living with it. People will try just about anything to get rid of neck or back pain. They will go to the doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Perhaps, they will start pain medication or an anti-inflammatory drug. They might not understand that this only masks symptoms but rarely gets at the root of the problem.

Sometimes there is a degenerative problem or the pain is related to injuries sustained through an accident. The spine might be traumatized or compressed due to this degenerative process or accident injury. The important thing is finding the right provider and getting the correct diagnosis before starting a treatment regimen.

Although Chiropractic has been around for over a hundred years there are still many people who aren't aware of its benefits. There are also therapies that chiropractors use to aid in the recovery of back and neck pain sufferers. One of these therapies is called Spinal Decompression.

Spinal decompression is a therapy used by chiropractors and other health professionals alike to alleviate the pain and discomfort related to herniated and bulging discs, facet syndrome, degenerative joint disease and others. The procedure provides a gentle and non-surgical decompression on the spine which in turn increases circulation to the area. This can relieve much of the pain and lack of function in that area.

This is an FDA approved therapy and it works so well because it targets the problem at its source - the spine. It is non-surgical and does not require any drugs. It is also the only non-surgical treatment that is highly effective with severe cases of degeneration, pinched nerves and herniation. It allows the disc to return to its normal position.

This negative pressure therapy allows oxygen and other fluids to enter the damaged disc area allowing it to heal more quickly. When the area is constricted it is essentially shut off from the very things that will allow it to heal quickly. Spinal decompression allows the area to become free flowing again.

There is an 86% improvement ratio with this remarkable therapy and patients have noted a marked improvement in the function of their back and neck. Much of the pain associated with the dysfunction is also relieved.

This is just one of the many treatments you can find with a chiropractor. Treating the whole person is a hallmark of the profession and this vital therapy helps to assist in that philosophy. Restoring function to your body allows you to live life the way you want to.

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