A Fayetteville chiropractor may have just the solution you need if you experience recurring neck discomfort. An increasing number of people are seeking out chiropractic care as an alternative to traditional procedures, such as surgery.
Chiropractic is a recognized method of delivering complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM includes modalities such as acupuncture and herbal remedies in addition to chiropractic. These alternative avenues of relief are growing in popularity throughout the Western world.
Subluxations are areas of the musculoskeletal system that have become misaligned. When the muscles and bones are out of alignment, it leads to a number of negative effects. Poor posture and mobility are two obvious problems that can result. Subluxations also impede the nervous system's ability to communicate correctly, especially spinal subluxations. Manual adjustment is used to realign these misaligned portions in the body.
Chiropractic states that when subluxations are corrected and the body is in proper alignment, good health will naturally result. The body has an amazing capacity for healing and repair. When it is unimpeded, many problems can be rectified. This is achieved through non-invasive procedures that carry none of the risks of surgery or medication.
Chiropractors use a holistic understanding of human health in their care. You will be asked about your state of mind, typical lifestyle, usual diet, and so on. This information will be considered when you receive care. In addition to manual adjustments, you may also receive stress counseling or dietary advice to ensure that your body operates at its best.
Fayetteville chiropractor visits are covered by most insurance plans as an accepted method of complementary and alternative medicine. Most coverage will require a referral from your primary physician. You should coordinate with your doctor to help integrate chiropractic care into your overall health plan. It is a well established alternative method of pain relief with documented success.