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How to Identify the Different Sources of Neck Pain
9/23 9:29:19
Pain in the neck can be due to: injury, a mechanical or muscular problem, a trapped nerve caused by a bulge in one of the discs between the vertebrae or from arthritis of the neck. It can range from mild discomfort to severe, burning pain. It is advisable to consult a Vancouver Chiropractor when you are suffering from neck pain for quite a few days.

There are different causes for neck pain like trauma or injury, worry and stress, falling asleep in an awkward position, prolonged use of a computer keyboard, muscular stiffness etc. Most of the time neck pain is not too threatening or severe. However if there is constant pain (for more than 3 weeks) then it is advisable to take professional help.

Most of the times you can carry on with your daily routine and the neck pain will eventually diminish after resting. Remember that neck pain is rarely caused by a serious illness and will often disappear within a week. For short-term problems, manual treatment (chiropractic or physiotherapy) and pain-relieving medicine are recommended.

Here's some ways to identify the seriousness of the neck pain.

1. Stretching. If you feel pain while stretching or rotating your neck then it is probably a muscular or mechanical pain. If it's too painful to bend the neck forward that you can't put their chin on their chest then you need to consult a doctor immediately.

2. Occurrence of pain while coughing. If you feel neck pain when you cough, sneeze or turn over in bed, you probably have a muscular pain. However, you should consult a doctor if neck pain is accompanied by severe headache or continuous vomiting.

3. Rotation of the neck in clockwise and anti clockwise direction. If the pain increases or decreases with the neck movement then you have a muscular pain. However, if the pain is continuous and there is no effect on pain with the movement of neck then there might be some internal injury. You need to consult your doctor for this.

A good Vancouver Chiropractor will run some diagnostic tests such as testing the movement of the neck, testing for trapped nerves, examination of the muscles, examination of the movement of the joints of the spine, neck, hands and X-rays, scans or blood tests may be necessary to make a precise diagnosis.

Depending upon the diagnosis, the Chiropractor or the doctor will choose one these treatments for your neck.

* chiropractic treatment

* intensive muscle training

* physiotherapy, including advice on posture and the use of a supportive pillow

* acupuncture provides relief for significant numbers of people with chronic neck and shoulder pain

* Exercise. People with weak neck muscles are more prone to neck problems, and in such cases an exercise program to strengthen the neck is also an option available to the chiropractor.

The recovery from neck pain is quite quick generally, but it also depends upon how well the patient follows the medication and regime given to him/her by the chiropractor.

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