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Who Is A Chiropractor?
9/22 14:41:17

Musculoskeletal disorders are chronic illnesses that trouble you day in and day out. Chronic back and neck pain is very frustrating and very adversely affects the daily life activities. Back pain makes mobility difficult and day to day chores become very difficult. Even normal walking and jogging become very difficult. Neck pain usually has vertigo associated with it. The person feels weak. Chronic nerve compression also leads to restricted movement of the hand. The strength in the hands and arms is also compromised. All these problems affect the life of the person as well as the entire family.
Due to the chronic pain and discomfort there is a constant depression and mood swings follow. Phases of anger, depression and dejection all follow. The family life of the individual is very disturbed. The problem needs to be solved so that life can come back to normal. Chronic stress due to the pain needs to be relieved.
But not all ailments have answers in conventional medicine. The answer to these problems in conventional medicine is pain killers to suppress the pain. Since the pain is chronic the pain killers need to be taken on a daily basis and may range to several times a day. Chronic pain killer intake gradually decreases the response of the nerves to the pain killer and greater doses of the drug are required to ease the pain. Chronic use of pain killers has an adverse effect on the stomach and intestinal lining. The consequence of prolonged analgesic use is gastric or stomach irritation, burning, ulceration and may complicate to perforations in the stomach. Therefore, the medicines that you were taking to ease the pain adds to your misery and you then land up in more complications related to the drugs that you are using to treat a previous disease. Although safer pain killers are now available still their prolonged use can be detrimental to the health of the individual.
The answer to your back and neck problem is to actually find the underlying cause of the problem and work on resolving the root cause. If there problem is with the bone overgrowth then that needs to be resolved, if there is a nerve compression then that needs to be relieved.
Alternative medicine is a good means to resolve these problems. It’s a great way to relieve pain and the chronic stress that one bears. The good thing about the use of alternative therapy is the limited use of medicines. It avoids more invasive procedures such as surgical interventions. The results of these therapies are quite favourable and helpful in resolving the problems arising from the musculoskeletal disorder.
Allopathic medicines need to be taken for long duration for relief from pain and tenderness of the affected areas. Conservative treatment may be required for a long time and when this treatment us unable to resolve the problem surgical intervention may be required to treat the ailments.
Chiropractice is a very important form of alternative medicine that has been used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. It is based on metaphysical principles and principles of manual manipulation to treat diseases of the spine. The practice believes that spinal subluxation disturbs the overall well being of the body. The spine is the central axis around which all the movements of the body are performed. It is also the central axis that connects the brain with the limbs and trunk. The vertebral subluxation interferes with the body’s innate intelligence. Once that balance is lost the general functioning and day to day activities are disturbed.

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