Back pain causes mild pain to severe depending on the intensity. Generally the pain is felt in the back part of the body from neck to lower back. In critical conditions, it doesn’t allow to do regular activities and the patient has to stick strict bed rest. They can become chronic having consistent mildly or a sudden severe ache. There is a chance to spread to other parts of the body like arms, hands, legs and feet. Symptoms include a burning sensation, tingling and aching at back. This is the most common medical problem faced in major human’s. Divided into three types based on the painful region, from the neck to lower back:-
Neck pain
Middle back pain
Lower back pain or tail-bone pain
Depending on the pain duration, classified into three more types:-
Acute : Duration of the pain is about up to 12 weeks
Chronic : Duration of the pain is more than 12 weeks, when becomes critical causes severe aches
Sub acute : Duration is in between 6 to 12 weeks.
98% of patients suffering with acute back pain need no serious medical attention, but feels consistent and mild achy due to inflammation.
Causes of back pain are several, diagnosing different patients, it is known that spine tissue, bones and nerve damage are the root cause independent of external factors. This means, whatever the cause is, back ache occurs due the damage of spine tissues, bones and nerves. Few other causes are, due to injuries that occurred in an accident, lack of sitting posture for long hours, poor postures while sleeping, tension and lack of regular exercise. Wrong sitting posture and no exercise may not cause sudden back spasm, but slowly and gradually it may. Incorrect or poor posture pushes more stress on neck, upper back and shoulders. Any kind of stress seizures back muscles, whether the stress is physical or emotional. It also leads to pinching sensation in the spinal nerves, causes severe pains and can spread to the legs. In the neck and upper back pain, pain spreads to arms.
Various treatments are available for treating all types of back pains. Surgeries treat critical cases while medication treats mild spasm. Symptoms and causes for spasm differ for one patient to another, so medications also differ. Pain killers available in the market show instant relief but have stomach related issues. Many medications are directly sold at the counters, only few show results but have side effects. The results are not common for all users, may vary. More than oral pills or pain killers, patients are using creams, gels, and sprays. According to recent statistics compounded back pain relief products crossed normal creams. Patients are showing interest to use those products only though they are not available at the counters. They have fewer negative effects, medication is directly applied treating the cause. More patients prefer to compound pain relief products. Because pharmacists prepare them for a specific patient working with patient medical history and type of pain.