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Menopause And Joint Pain: How To Alleviate Your Pain
9/22 15:07:28

When it comes to menopause, all women know that they will have to go through a lot. With all the signs and symptoms of menopause, from night sweats all the way to those awful hot flashes, menopause can really take its toll on a woman's body. Another sign of menopause is the terrible joint pain. Menopause and joint pain go together like peanut butter and jelly, it is only natural when you sit down and think about all a woman's body has to go through during all the stages of menopause.

When it comes right down to it, joint pain when a woman is going through menopause is going to happen, no matter which way you flip the coin. One of the main reasons that there is so much joint pain when you are going through menopause is because of the insomnia. A lot of women experience insomnia during all of the stages of menopause and when your body does not have time to recuperate itself it can completely throw your body out of whack. A foggy mind, memory loss and joint pain are all signs of insomnia and can definitely take a lot out of a woman.

Another sign or symptom of menopause is fatigue and absolute exhaustion; these too can cause your joints and muscles to hurt. When you are sleepy, your body is sleepy too and when you do not get enough sleep at night, your muscles do not have the time to recharge themselves, therefore resulting in muscle and joint pains. This is of course, all due to the imbalance of hormones in your body. It comes from your lack of estrogen, for when you are going through menopause; your body is stopping its production of a very important hormone, estrogen.

There are some things you can do to help your body out though! You do not always have to live with the terrible joint and muscle pains you experience when going through menopause. A simple blood test from your doctor can show you what vitamins you may be low on and will need to start upping the levels on. Potassium is one of the vitamins that when the levels are low, can cause joint pains, so make sure you are consuming a lot of potassium to help alleviate that joint pain. Another thing that may assist you with all these aches and pains is talking to your doctor about them.

Lastly, staying active and keeping up a good exercise regime will really assist with your joint and muscle pains. You do not however, need to go to the gym every single day, a walk around the block or maybe a swim will do absolute wonders for your body and will help with each and every joint and muscle you possess. You will need to keep in mind though, the first few weeks you start working out, it may seem like it is not working for your muscles and joints will be extremely sore. This will not last a long time, it just takes some time for your body to get used to working out regularly.

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