Foot pain coming about because of those high heels? What is one to do about the same? In this following article, we will give you some of the things that can be undertaken to relieve the pain that ensues.

You didn't realize the sharp shooting pain that would grip you after you descended from the high heels and came down to earth. Not when you saw them shining scarlet bright in the afternoon sun, not when you squealed with joy when they were handed over to you (after you paid, of course), not
even when you wore them all eve long, perfectly as they complimented your red dress...not
until the eve was over and done and you gingerly pulled your feet out of their leathery abode. Then the pain started and wouldn't stop.
Throbbing, wailing and swollen. The poor feet all gripped in pain. How to find relief? In the following section, find the answer to this question and some tips to avoid foot pain from high heels as well. Are you reading?
Health Problems from Wearing High Heels
High heels might look very glamorous, give you those extra inches and poise and lend you that inevitable confidence, no doubt, but they are also one of the main culprits that could lead to several health problems as well. Not only of the foot, mind you, but the whole body through.
Wearing high heels for a long and continued period of time, puts way too much pressure on the ball of the foot. This then prevents the blood circulation from being equally distributed and causes aching feet and fatigue. In case the heels are tight and closed, they could also lead to deformed toenails, corns, calluses and bunions. Wearing high heels is also one of the main reasons that can lead to the formation of varicose veins and lead to lower back pain. Thus it is advisable that high heels never be worn constantly and for a long period of time. Yet if they cannot be avoided and you find that there is pain and more pain ensuing, then what is one to do? The answers is in the following tables.
How to Relieve High Heel Foot Pain
Moving on to the foot pain that is caused by wearing high heels and learning to deal with the same, here are a few pointers that you can use.
» Start off by kneading the sole of the foot and then moving on to include the whole foot. This will help to get the circulation flowing.
» Soak the feet in hot water. For this, heat water to a degree that is bearable, add a few drops of essential oils or Epsom salts (which have medicinal properties) and then immerse the feet in. Let the feet soak in the water for at least 20 minutes. The hot water will open up the blood vessels and therefore more blood will rush in to the spot, thus bringing about relief.
» Use a tennis ball and place the soles of your feet over it. Then gently push the ball with your feet forward and backward. This action will massage the soles and the ball of your feet and lead to relief.
» Elevate your feet so that the blood is distributed evenly to the entire leg and foot. To do this, place 2-3 hard pillows on a flat surface and then lie down placing your feet on the pillow. This will put your feet at a higher height and relieve the pain.
» Carry forth certain simple exercises like curling and stretching the toes, by elongating them and then curling them in. This will open up the stressed muscles and relieve the pain.
» Massaging the feet with warm mustard oil is also known to work wonders in relieving the pain. Mustard oil is known to have medicinal properties that seeps into the layers of the skin and relieves the pain. The kneading action and the strong strokes with the hands help to relieve the pain and muscle stress. For best results, heat the oil in a microwave oven for 10-15 seconds and then apply the oil all over the feet before massaging them. Massage for at least 10 minutes.
Avoiding High Heel Foot Pain
So that this condition does not keep repeating itself and make a comeback over and over again, what are some of the points that have to be kept in mind? Here are some of the things that you should follow.
» Always buy a pair of heels that are the right size. Never too tight. A proper size allows enough circulation of blood and prevents all these health problems from cropping up.
» Buy shoes that are of good quality so that your feet can breathe better. Good shoes will accommodate the feet and not scrape against the same to lead to corns and bunions.
» As far as possible, avoid wearing shoes that are closed and confined. Preferably use shoes that are open and wide so that there is enough space for the feet and the balls of the feet are not pressured.
» Choose shoes that have a wider heel to them. This allows better balance and less stress and fatigue on the ball of the feet.
» Whenever you wear heels, make sure that you allow yourself frequent rest periods, wherein you sit down and take the shoes off. This will relieve the pressure. So also, the pain will not make way and will not cause any aggravation of symptoms.
» If you cannot avoid wearing certain heels, then try to make them more comfortable. There are several gel pads as well as insoles that cushion the feet and provide comfort while preventing the pain that ensues.
How to relieve foot pain from high heels, you asked? Do we have a satisfactory answer to that one now? Pretty sure we do. What's more, you now also know how to avoid that pain from creeping up over and over again. Are we strutting down the street in a
clip clop-clip clop ring to it? Sans the pain, of course. Always, sans the pain.