Fungal foot infections are a nightmare to live with. Read on to find out what you need to do, to get rid of them.

Our feet take the maximum load, exposure, and the brunt of our entire body. In such a case, neglecting your feet is the last thing you want to do. Your feet require maximum attention and care from you. Most of the time, fungal foot infections are a result of negligence and procrastination of foot care. The fungus on skin infections, make the affected area, either red or black. It makes the skin flaky, like dandruff on the scalp. The worst part about, fungal infections is that they grow very rapidly. Most fungal infections, are caused by dermophytes, a type of fungi. Let's take a look at how to treat these infections and restore the health of your skin.
Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot is the most common type of fungal infection. This fungal disorder is called the Athlete's foot, since most of the athletes get it. Fungal infections are common among those people, who constantly keep their feet covered with shoes or socks. Fungus, grows in moist, damp, and dark places. Since the feet remain covered, the sweat or water in monsoon makes the area damp, and this allows the fungus to grow and breed faster. Athlete's foot symptoms include patchy, dry, scaly, and itchy skin. This infection is usually picked up from swimming pools and other public places.
Nail Infections
Nail infection or onychomycosis is commonly called the toenail fungus.
Tinea unguium, is a kind of ringworm, which grows in the crevices of the nails. This makes the nails thick and weak leading to nail fungus. The nail becomes discolored and begins to chip off, easily. This may affect your toenails and other nails as well. If it affects the foot, it does cause a bit of pain. The nail also becomes flaky, due to nail infections.
About 10-20% people get fungal foot infections. A foot fungal infection, needs to be treated as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, fungi, breed in moisture and dark places, so wearing shoes, while you are sweating, or wearing them while your feet are wet, is the perfect way of contracting a fungal infection. The smallest scratch or an opening, will give the fungi a chance to grow instantaneously. If you see your feet getting flaky, excessively dry or patchy, see a doctor, who will help to diagnose the condition. There are few precautions you need to take, in order to keep your feet away from all the fungal infections.
- Keep your feet clean, so this means, wash them with warm water, every time you've been out. Make sure you use a good soap and a scrub to wash away all the hidden dirt. Clean all the grime and dirt stuck in the nails and don't forget to remove all the dead skin too.
- Although you wear shoes, do remove them every three hours, to allow the skin on your feet to breathe. This will also take away the excess of moisture from the feet.
- Keep your feet as dry as possible. This means, wipe them dry, but keep them well hydrated. Moisturize your feet, thoroughly, every night before you go to sleep. Better still, sprinkle some antifungal powder on them, to prevent any infection.
- Lastly, avoid walking barefoot, anywhere. Public places, like changing rooms, offices and temples are the worst places to walk without a footwear.
Taking care of you feet is very easy, provided you do it everyday. The simplest way to avoid any foot infections, is to keep them clean.