Back pain is a very common problem and one must also have experienced this pain in some point of your life. Although this is a very mild problem and it can be relieved by a little bit of rest. But this problem can become severe if it is very frequent.
Back pain is generally defined as a short-term low back pain generally lasts for some time and in some cases for some days and weeks. There are many reasons for this pain in the back.
Sometimes if one stresses his body too much, that can directly affect the back and cause severe pain in the muscles. This pain could also be caused by any injury or stress in the back joints. There are some other symptoms of back pain.
Sometimes one can also feel the strain in the back or inability to stand straight. Back pain is also called as chronic back if it does not go away within a period of 3 months.
Changing life styles rising problems
Life style of people has changed drastically in recent years. Life has become more stress full with prolonged working hours, resulting in neglection towards health. Most individuals are avoiding exercise and are turning backs to nutritious food.
In addition to these consumption of junk food is rising considerably amongst the working generation and teens. Junk food as being high on calories leads to obesity, one of the major reasons of back pains. Various researches have been conducted to support the statement.
Science as can find the problem also suggests solution. There are various techniques with help of which you can reduce weight thus prevent back pains. Let us first understand as to how obesity acts as a catalyst to back pain.
Obesity leads to back pains
To attain a healthy living it is very important that you control your weight, try to keep your weight in proportion to your height. Extra weight adds pressure and stress to the back and feet, making them weak. This extra pressure normally consequents into a back pain, which if neglected can convert into serious illness such as arthritis.
Obesity can be obtained due to various reasons, one the major reasons are improper food habits. Eating at improper time and mostly junk adds great amount of calories to your body.
Calories get converted into fats thus resulting to weight rise. In addition lack of physical work and exercise prevents calories from burning, causing stress on the body parts especially back. Excessive intake of alcohol is also one of the major reasons for obesity.
Remedies to get rid of obesity to prevent back pain
There are various ways with help of which you can control your weight. All the three streams of medical science i.e. Ayurveda, Allopathy and Homeopathy have medicines to the ailment.
On the other hand your also have various physical trainings through which you can burn fats to reduce obesity. Yoga is the most preferred way to reduce weight. Yoga not only helps to control weight but also suggest special asana or postures with help of which you can reduce stress over your back to get rid of the frequent pain. In addition various dance forms can also help you to get rid of obesity and attain a healthy well-being.
Most doctors suggest going for physical trainings as they not only help you to reduce your weight quickly and naturally but also can tone your muscles thus relieving the pressure over your back and other body parts. So feel light and be tight to fight the unbearable and frequent back pain.