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Back Pain Treatment With Aerobics
9/22 18:05:12
The back is a very essential part of the body and we rely on our back for many day to day activities. Without the back it is really difficult to do any work and even to make a move. Due to the heavy work out and other strain factors makes it particularly vulnerable to injury and back pain can be disabling.

A nagging back pain is one of the most annoying symptoms and also one of the most common problems that most of us city slickers suffer from. For long there has been a popular belief that only those who perform grueling and tiresome physical labor are prone to this affliction. However this could not be further away from the truth. Contradicting this belief are the statistics that suggest that nearly 80% of the working population that is involved in sedentary work are in some point of their life prone to back aches.

It is really easy to define the back pain as most of the people have faced this severe pain. It can be said to be an acute pain which generally last for a very short period. It may be for some hours to two or three days. If the back pain persists for more than 3 months then it is called as chronic back pain. There may be thousands of reasons of this back pain. The most common cause of this pain is strain in the back muscles.

Benefits of exercise and stretching
Exercise may be very effective. The main advantage with the physical exercise is that it helps you to remain fit and thereby reduces the further chances of getting the back pain. But the back pain can also be a result of heavy exercise so one should not do heavy exercise which strains on your back. Fifteen to twenty minutes of dynamic lumbar stabilization or other prescribed exercises to strengthen your back muscles. The ultimate goal of these exercises is that diminishes back pain, increase function, and provide education on a preservation program to prevent further recurrences of back pain in the body.

The aerobics and the back pain
The aerobics is not different from any other exercise. In the aerobics a lot of body movements are done. This is a nice workout for your back and to remain fit. It has been found that aerobic activity also helps us in bringing nutrients to structures in the spine. It also improves the blood flow in the body. It is one of the best exercises to cope up with back pain.

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