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Exercises To Combat Back Pain
9/22 18:04:39
When your back hurts, it's hard to concentrate on anything else. You may think that you'll have to stop working out, but there is an alternative. Here are some examples of exercises that can be performed to alleviate back pain and get you moving again.

Back pain arises from many places. Usually the muscles of the lower back are overused and therefore prone to injury. When back pain hits, the first instinct is to stop what you are doing and sit down. If you have previously been active, staying that way can help you get back to health quicker.

For anyone thinking, you don't need special equipment to carry out exercises to alleviate back pain. You can do them right at home. All you will need is time and space to move. You may feel discomfort as you start doing the exercises but never shy away from that.

In the body, back muscles and abdominal muscles work together. A strong core consists of strong abdominal regions and also strong back muscles. Working one without the other can result in a weakness that can lead to injury.

To gain power, flexibility and strength in that area, the exercises that you perform need to offer these three things.

1. Aerobic exercise - Aerobic exercise conditions your heart, lungs and muscles of the entire body. Start slow with an aerobics class that uses your own weight. You can graduate to a step aerobics or aerobic kickboxing when your core muscles are strong enough to ensure proper balance.

2. Weight-training exercises - The way to build more muscle is to challenge it. Start with lighter weights and more repetitions to perfect your technique. Focus on all areas of your back for an even look. Use machines, free weights, bands and weighted bars for variety in your routine. The same goes for your abdominal region. Don't just concentrate on the rectus abdominis area where you see the six-pack abs. Working the oblique muscles helps with twisting and turning your body. Working the lower abs lifts the pelvis.

3. Stretch - Stretching is important to prevent injury to your muscles. You warm up your body to get your heart and lungs ready for the challenge. Stretching the back muscles makes them more flexible. Use exercise classes like yoga and Pilates to achieve this. These exercises seem mild but they are actually quite effective.

Avoid performing any exercise that will put too much strain on the lower back. Use your core to stabilize, but the weight will be in your legs or your upper body. For lying exercises, raise your legs together so the core is stationary.

Back pain doesn't mean that you have to stop doing what you love. Keep moving but modify your exercise routine until your back pain is gone.

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