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Ease Your Back Pain With Acupuncture
9/22 18:04:27
If you are one of the many sufferers of back pain, it is likely you have tried multiple remedies to get some relief. However, if you still haven't found something that works for your type of pain, you may want to consider a very ancient treatment that is still widely used today: acupuncture. With thousands of years of experience, knowledge and practice, acupuncture is a tried and true method with roots in ancient Chinese culture. Acupuncture helps with many ailments, from smoking cessation to headaches to back pain.

The body contains energy, or chi, that runs along lines called meridians. Back pain, headaches or any other type of illness or pain is caused by a block in that energy pathway. This blocks the blood flow and causes stagnation in the tissues, leading to toxin buildup. With the insertion of very thin needles, it is believed that acupuncture will unblock the pathways so that blood and energy can flow freely.

Practitioners of this form of medicine consult with meridian maps in order to properly insert the needles in the appropriate place to get your energy flowing freely again. And so, the belief is that once the energy or chi has been restored in the patient, the headaches or back pain will be resolved. Acupuncture can help to calm the tightened muscles of the back, helping pain spasms to go away.

Like with any other medical or health care procedure, it is important that you choose a licensed, professional and reputable acupuncturist. Be sure to disclose your medical history, including the information relating to your back pain, allergies you may have, and any medications you are currently taking. The acupuncturist should inform you ahead of time about any risks associated with the proposed procedures, such as a slight chance of bleeding or pain at the site of the needle insertion.

Your acupuncturist will have you lie down on a table for your procedure; it will be comfortable and you will be covered with a gown, towels or sheets for modesty. Be sure to tell your acupuncturist if you feel any type of pain or discomfort; however, most people do not even feel the needles as they are applied.

Some people feel energized right away following the first treatment, but it may take a few sessions for you to feel the full effects. Some acupuncturists may also use heat if you are suffering from very severe pain, which will provide a deeper treatment.

While acupuncture is still considered an alternative therapy in the Western world, it is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of ailments. If you have become frustrated by the lack of results you've experience from more traditional treatments, acupuncture may be the best solution to your back pain.

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