A herniated disc is very common cause for back pain, but it's possible to have a herniation without experiencing painful symptoms. Among those who do experience pain and discomfort, the pain can be very severe and sometimes require surgery.
This type of disc condition is also known as a prolapsed disk or a ruptured disk. You may have heard it popularly referred to as a slipped disk, but this term can be misleading because the disk doesn't slip out of place but rather degenerates or becomes herniated.
There are tiny tears or cracks in the outside ring of the intervertebral disc caused either by the normal wear and tear of ageing or from a traumatic injury. These tears allow the nucleus to seep through the cracks, which can cause the disk to rupture or break into pieces. This tear is likely what causes people who suffer from a herniated disc such severe pain. The disc in question has actually grown together with the other vertebrae.
This is a very common cause for lower back pain, and most people do not experience a herniation until their thirties. The symptoms vary because they depend on the location of the disc and the types of tissue involved. The location and severity of the pain depends on which of the disks is weak and how much of the disc is making contact with the nerve. You could have pain in your lower back and experience muscular weakness.
You could experience pain in your legs if one of the nerve roots of the sciatic nerve is being irritated. This is referred to as sciatica.
Unfortunately the pain associated with the condition is sometimes relentless but usually only associated with one side of the body. The herniation will usually heal itself however if you are showing signs or suspect that a herniated disc is the cause of your back pain you should see a doctor.
A herniated disc puts direct pressure on the nerve root and will cause pain in the legs and back. Other symptoms when the herniation is in the lumbar region are tingling and numbness down the body into the feet. The pressure on the nerves also causes weakness in the muscles of the legs.
You can lower you risk by following some safe practices at home and at the office. Beside ageing and natural degeneration the two common causes for a herniated disc are:
Number 1
Straining too heavily or applying excessive force to the affected area. Whether or not you are experiencing symptoms avoid straining muscles in the back.
Number 2
Activities that are repetitive and repeatedly adding pressure to your lower back. Pay close attention to bad lifting habits. Make sure you are putting the weight in your legs when you lift. Excessive exposure to vibration is another way to cause disc herniation.
In order to effectively treat a herniated disc there are a couple of options. Bed rest and pain medication may be enough. Some will seek a chiropractor for relief, but if all else fails, spinal surgery is the most invasive and aggressive form of treatment.