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Lower Back Pain Treatment At Home
9/22 18:01:46
Most of us will experience it at least ones in our lives, lower back pain caused by working in the yard, lifting something heavy, sports or other strenuous activities that your back is not used to. You can almost hear your muscles complain, spasms, sprains, slipped disks and joint problems, we all call it by the same name, lower back pain. With this article home treatment is on its way.

When you experience these kind of back pains often the trick is to know what to do to prevent it and how to get relief if it happened again. To prevent hurting your lower back again, you should do regular exercises to strengthen your belly, upper leg and back muscles. And you need to ask your self about your lifestyle, like your exercises and the chair you are sitting in.

Exercise but not to extreme

Some people who read this will recognize the following:

You need to exercise to prevent lower back pain, so you go and jump in to a program and start working out, by doing this the muscles you try to prevent from straining, are spontaneously starting to spasm and before you know it you have hurt the muscles you wanted to protect.

You need to start slow and always begin with stretching and warming the muscles before you start exercise. And the most important tip you will read to day is "don't over do it", you need to take baby steps, take some weeks to slowly build strength in your back and belly muscles. Ask a professional trainer to help you make an exercise plan and stick to it.

When you experience any lower back pain in those weeks , don't take rest longer than one day, and do some relaxing exercises to relief the pain. You need to know that the pain you have experienced can sometimes actually get worse because your muscles are not used to all that exercise and protest against it.

Consider your sitting, standing and working position and ask yourself if you can make some positive changes in that area, is your chair providing you with enough support or do you need to sit differently or need an new chair.

When to take some rest?

It seems obvious to take rest when you experience back pain and it cant hurt to do so, but no longer than for 1 or 2 days. when you take rest for more days it works against the healing process and can even make it worse. But the position you take rest in is also important, for most people the best relaxing position lying in the floor with pillows underneath your knees. An other position most people like is to keep your knees and hips band and let your feet rest on a chair, this takes the pressure and weight of your back. make sure to keep your back muscles warm because when they get stiffen it will hurt you even more. Try walking around for a couple of minutes ones every two or three hours.

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