Lower back pain therapy is available in many forms. Some of them are exercise, medication, stress reduction techniques, stretching, acupuncture, surgery and so on. Back pain can be healed using any one of these methods or a combination of two or more methods.
Lower backaches are treated generally with a combination of medication and physical therapy. Medication is used to treat the muscle spasms and nerve pain by administering required dosages of muscle relaxants and anti inflammatories. When the pain diminishes, a physical therapy like proper exercise may be needed to prevent the return of pain. If the pain does not respond to any treatment like medication or physical exercise, the final option left is surgery. Surgery is risky and should be resorted to only if all the other options fail to cure the situation.
Severe Pain In The Lower Back
Majority of people who experience pain in their lower backs lament of severe lower backache. If the pain does not subside even after four to six weeks of the usual backache therapy, a return assessment is required to find out the intensity of the pain.
People involved in hard physical labor and lifting heavy objects suffer from severe pain. The age of the patient plays an important role. People within the age group of 20 to 40, mostly undergo a severe pain in the back due to a muscle strain. Complete bed rest with limited movement cures the pain within a few days. People in the age group of 30 to 50 sense a shooting pain or a burning sensation in their lower backs. It may be harsh and sear into the legs. That may be a symptom of an acute herniated disc. Osteoarthritis is a common problem among people above 50, which causes intense pain in the back radiating into the legs. Sometimes an infection in the nerve sac located at the base of the spine may cause harsh lower backache irrespective of the age group. All pains need immediate medication or else may lead to complex surgeries.
Back Pain In Pregnancy
Expectant mothers feel backache mostly during their 36th week of pregnancy. The reason for this pain, most commonly, is the additional weight accumulation around the abdomen and more pressure on the back to support it. Stress and the position of the baby in the womb also influence the back pain. This pain disappears after delivery. However, by practicing some exercises and yoga under the guidance of a doctor, they can overcome the pain and strengthen their back muscles.
People all over the world are switching over to yoga to get rid of their backaches permanently. It helps people to lead a relaxed and tension free life. Practicing yoga not only strengthens and relaxes the muscles, but also increases their flexibility by stretching them. Flexibility leads to the increase in the blood circulation and filters the toxins from the muscles.
Breathing techniques are considered the backbone of yoga. Improper breathing causes stress and interferes with the natural healing capability of the body. A rhythmic and natural breathing asana of yoga oxygenates the body and saves us from pain causing limitations. It also leads to positive thinking and helps in changing our perception of things.
Different types of backpains need different types of treatment. In some instances, an ailment requires an application of several methods of lower back pain therapy to provide complete relief.