Temporary or chronic back pain can bring your day to a screeching halt; no longer are simple activities within your range of motion, as turning over in bed even becomes an issue. For back pain sufferers, finding a back pain remedy is crucial to the healing process and getting on with a pain-free life.
For many this comes in the form of medication both prescription and over-the-counter that provides temporary relief but doesn't work to correct the underlying problem. Medication for acute back pain can certainly bring relief and help a person who is suffering get through the day. But, ultimately, medication doesn't strengthen your muscles and improve your health - both of which could bring long lasting relief. In the end, a more natural approach that allows the body to heal itself is the best back pain remedy.
First and foremost, a conservative exercise program that works to strengthen muscle groups will act as a back pain remedy and as a protective measure against future injuries. A program such as this must be in accordance with the guidelines set out by a medical professional who can determine the best course of action for treating your specific situation.
Exercise such as light aerobics, weight training, stretching, yoga, and Pilates all have their benefits as a back pain remedy. Increasing your overall physical health through cardiovascular exercise and weight training will mean that your body is not as vulnerable to sickness and injury; stretching will work to loosen muscles, improve range-of-motion, and foster flexibility; yoga and Pilates will strengthen the body's core, lending enormous support to the back muscles.
A back pain remedy for many comes through working with non-traditional practitioners such as acupuncturists, chiropractors, and physical therapists who work to relieve pain through holistic methods, body alignment, massage, and therapeutic exercise.
Ultimately, whatever back pain remedy works for you is the one that you should rely upon. Just be sure that you don't sacrifice pain relief now for back pain later. Work with your body to improve your strength and flexibility thus providing you with a back pain remedy for life.