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Can Arthritis Be The Cause Of Your Back Pain?
9/22 14:09:33

Here are some statistics about back pain. It has been estimated that out of every five people in America, four of them suffer some sort of back pain. Very often these back pains resulted from nothing more than fatigue, or stress to the body due to poor sleeping habits. But what about those that complain of major back pains continually?

Several of the people that have mild back pain can relieve it with simple medications. However, for others, there is no relief, other than through methods such as physiotherapy or massage therapy.

Here is a broad overview of the anatomy of your back. Your spinal column is covered up by muscle and is very delicate. The back is actually an extremely complicated system. The spinal column is essentially 24 small bones and they have small cushions between them, which are called discs.

The vertebrae or backbones, and the discs that join them run from the pelvic area all the way up to the base of the skull. These discs and the facet bones in the back, being flexible, allow for a great degree of movement in the back. There is also a main cavity within this network of bones called the spinal cord. This is the location where all the nerves from the brain run to the rest of the body by running down this channel. When all this channeling and the bones are just not working together well together, what gives is generally the back itself.

Many times people seem to consider this a case of arthritis. Although several people do actually have arthritis and very often it can be in their backs, you can hardly blame the disorder of chronic or acute back pain to arthritis. This seems to be a common thought that arthritis is the sole contributor to back pains.

The general causes of back pain include poor sleep habits, poor lifestyle, sports injuries, work injuries and obesity. All of these means of obtaining acute, or chronic back pains have really nothing to do with arthritis.

For arthritis relief, other than drug medications, a couple of therapies appear to be effective. They include electrotherapy, deep tissue massage, major pain medications, acupuncture, physiotherapy and using pneumatic vests.

If you are suffering with major back pain or any form of pain, do not hesitate for too long. You should ask your doctor for a referal to a specialist.

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