Pain in the left side of the body must or should never be undermined primarily because abnormality could have taken place in the organs located therein and if it goes undiagnosed and untreated, it could aggravate into serious illness.When abnormality occurs inside your body, pain is usually felt on the affected body area. This bodily sensation involves the brain and nerves that range from excruciating pain to numbness while it could also be associated with strange sensations like sharp, tingling or burning sensation. Medical advice should be sought out especially with severe pain to figure out the underlying culprit. Thus, it is important to have sufficient knowledge about the causes of pain in the left side of the body starting from the head, chest, abdomen, back and leg. The following paragraphs reveal them. Read on.
Pain in the left side of the body is quite common among the labor force or working population. Primarily because the heart and left lung are located at the left side of the chest and when disorders and diseases strike at these organs, they cause left side chest pains. In additions, left side chest pain can also be caused by bones and muscles disorders. Here are some of the potential causes of left side chest pain.
Pain in the left side of the body is also felt at the abdomen. Stomach pain should never be ignored because it could be life-threatening. Some of the causes are:
Pain in the left side of the body also extends to the back that causes left back pain. Common cause of left side back pain is herniated disc. However, other culprit of left side back pain is sciatica, spinal stenosis and osteoporosis. Moreover, it can also be due to gastrointestinal problems including food sensitivities and bowel problems. It was also noted that pain in the left side of the body felt especially at the lower back could be due to muscle imbalance and could be treated by muscle-balance therapy.
Injury is among the primary cause of pain in the left side of the body affecting the left leg. However, left side leg pain could be due to various causes such as arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, Baker’s cyst, deep vein thrombosis, Charlie horse and Parkinson’s disease.
The next time you experience pain in the left side of the body, refer to the information above and figure out the exact location of the pain so that when you visit the doctor, you are helping him/her diagnose the underlying causes.
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