Back Pain Causes For All Ages
Back pain is a debilitating condition that has many different factors. Back pain causes can be traced back to several things that may be connected or not to each other. Back pain causes a lot of grief in people because due to the intensity of the pain, some individuals can not move for an entire day or more.
What Cause Back Pain?
Back pain causes can be as direct and easy as stress on the back. The most commonly affected part of the back that experiences pain is the lower back. This is probably because this is the most mobile when lifting or twisting. Lower back pain causes the individual to be immobile for some time but eventually it resolves itself when it is just muscle strain pr stress.
Other back pain causes are a ruptured disc, spinal stenosis, arthritis and osteoporosis. These back pain causes can be due to many different things. A ruptured disc can be due to strain of heavy lifting, excessive exercise and others. Treatment for this kind of back pain depends mainly on what caused the ruptured disc. Spinal stenosis, on the other hand, is the result of age in an individual. A constricted spinal canal can cause a lot of pain in the back.
Arthritis is another back pain cause that is degenerative, although, the pain in the back is triggered by movement only. Arthritis is supposed to commonly occur in joints such as the fingers, hands, knees and others but can also occur in the smaller joints of the spine. Osteoporosis is generally caused by the bones and cartilages in the spine weakening and getting brittle. Back pain causes of this kind are inevitable for many and often difficult to relieve due to micro fractures or fissures in the bones.
Back pain causes can be anything else entirely and not related to bones, joints or cartilage. Disorders in the many organs located near the lower back can be the cause of back pain. Stones in the kidney or gall bladder can manifest in back pain symptoms. Other back pain causes not related to bones, joints or cartilages can be due to muscle strain or just plain old incorrect posture. Incorrect posture when standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time can be among the many factors that lead to back pain.
The many back pain causes’ treatment will depend on what caused the pain. Many people experience back pain due to incorrect posture or too much muscle strain.
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