Ovulation and back pain are very commonly associated with each other. Read the article to know about its causes and how to get relief from the pain.

Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle is of 28 days and the ovulation period falls somewhere around the 13th or 14th day. Women have two ovaries and every month any one ovary releases one egg for fertilization. This process is known as ovulation. We can also say that ovulation is a process of releasing a matured egg for fertilization. The egg waits till a particular time to get fertilized, and if it does not get fertilized, it travels from the fallopian tube and is excreted from the body by the process of menstruation. Pain during menstruation is very common but approximately 20% of women experience abdominal and back pain during the release of egg or ovulation. Though this is considered fairly normal, the severity of pain may vary from woman to woman. So let's find out the relation between ovulation and back pain with its causes and some of the simple remedies to get relief.
Back Pain During Ovulation
Painful ovulation is referred to as
mittelschmerz. It is a German word which means 'middle pain'. The pain is observed in the middle of the menstruation cycle hence it is known as middle pain. It usually starts in the abdomen and spreads to the back and pelvis. At a time, only one egg is secreted from any one ovary hence the pain is one sided and can switch sides in the next month. The pain may last for a few minutes or even 24 to 48 hours in some cases. Some may experience backache every month whereas some may experience it after every 3 to 4 months. It is considered normal and does not require any medical help.
Causes of Back Pain During Ovulation
The exact causes of ovulation and backache are still not known but there are many theories which show different possible causes of back pain during ovulation. Following are some of them.
- Follicles swell before the ovulation as they prepare themselves to release the egg. This may result in lower abdominal and back pain.
- Follicles grow at the time of ovulation which may stretch the surface of the ovary and result in pain.
- In order to release the egg, the ovary wall gets ruptured which causes pain.
- Blood and fluid released with the egg may irritate the lining of the uterus which further causes back pain.
- To help the egg to reach its destination the fallopian tube undergoes contraction which may be one of the major causes of pain.
Characteristics of Back Pain During Ovulation
Pain during ovulation can occur suddenly. Hence, it is usually mistaken for many different diseases. Following are some of the symptoms which are associated with ovulation.
- The pain usually occurs in the mid of the menstruation cycle.
- Ovulation pain is for a short duration or may extend to one or two day.
- Distinct, sharp, cramping pain may be observed. The pain is usually dull but it can also be sharp in rare cases.
- The pain may be associated with mild nausea and headache.
- The pain may switch sides every month.
- You may also observe mild vaginal bleeding at the time of ovulation.
How to Relieve Back Pain During Ovulation
Pain during ovulation is usually dull and does not require any treatment. But in some cases the women may experience severe pain which may cause discomfort. Following are some of the ways to get relief from the pain.
- Water can be very helpful in relieving ovulation pain. Hence drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated all the time.
- Use a heating pad on the stomach, abdomen and back. It will relieve the pain to a great extent.
- Take a warm water bath or just soak in warm water. This will reduce the pain.
- Many women even take pain killers to relieve the pain, but consult a doctor before taking any such pills.
Women who face this problem every month and have severe pain should seek medical help. If you observe back pain with high fever, swollen abdomen, blood in vomiting, or difficulty in breathing then consult a doctor immediately.