If you are looking for ways to relieve back pain without medications, then physical therapy is the best method. Scroll down to have more information.
Back pain is one of the most common complaints today, thanks to the sedentary lifestyle. Lack of any physical activity and sitting in uncomfortable position for a long time results in back pain. As there is no change in the lifestyle whatsoever, the back pain occurs frequently and turns chronic. Back pain can be treated with the help of physical therapy, home remedies and surgery. However, you do not always require a surgery for it. Physical therapy can help in treating back pain in most of the cases.
Physical Therapy for Back Pain
It is essential to find out the root cause of back pain before looking for treatment methods. If it is caused as a symptom of any disease or disorder like the herniated disc, fracture, etc., one should get the cause treated immediately. Usually, physical therapy is the first treatment method to be considered for relieving back, neck and shoulder pain. Physical therapy, in most of the cases, is used to relieve back pain, without using any medication or surgery. However, the doctor may also prescribe physical therapy to be followed after a surgery for restoration. Physical therapy is one of the best treatment methods used for treating chronic back pain. But, how does physical therapy help in treating back pain?
Physical therapy comprises passive and active treatment. The therapist may choose from the passive or active, or even the combination of the two, depending on the type and severity of the pain. The passive treatments are called so because the person does not actively participate when undergoing these treatment. E.g., using heat / cold packs, Iontophoresis, TENS unit, ultrasound, etc. The heat pack is used to increase the blood flow to a specific organ, while the cold therapy or the cold pack is used slow down circulation and treat muscle spasms and inflammation. The TENS unit is used to stimulate muscles and treat muscle spasms. The ultrasound is a method used for the treatment of muscle stiffness, inflammation, swelling, etc. Apart from these, a deep kneading massage also helps in relieving upper and lower back pain.
On the contrary, active treatments are those where the person undertakes an activity. E.g., exercises. Active physical therapy for back pain involves stretching, strengthening and low impact aerobic exercises. Exercises like stretching, help in treatment and prevention of chronic back pain. Similarly, back strengthening exercises are more beneficial for the treatment of lower back pain. It should be noted that there is no specific set of exercise that can be followed by all people unanimously. Your therapist will tell you which is the best exercise for relieving pain in the back. Both these methods are used for alleviating pain. However, the passive method is used for the overall relaxation of the body; and the active method is used to strengthen the body and get rid of the discomfort causing condition.
It is recommended that these exercises should never be carried out on your own, without the guidance of the therapist. Improper exercise or taking help of an untrained or non certified therapist can aggravate the pain further. You should consult a certified professional therapist who will schedule a personalized plan for you to get rid of the pain in the back.
Lastly, you should note that simple methods like exercising regularly, having a proper posture while sitting and sleeping, etc. can help in prevention of chronic back pain. Take care!