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Power Sales Words That Paint Powerful Pictures In The Prospectives Mind
9/26 15:25:16

Stop talking about your product or service?Start Selling a benefit, a solution, what's in it for your prospect.

Now don't just talk about it. Paint a vivid picture in your prospect's mind.

Too many sales people are talking about

  • Been in business for 30+ years
  • Great software interface
  • Biggest and baddest XYZ on the planet
Those are all about you, about your product, and are definitely not grabbers that will reach in and grab the prospect where it matters.

Start finding the following answers:

  • What does your product or service do for someone, RESULTS not an action. Now how MUCH does it do for someone, make it measurable?
  • What does your prospect really want or need, and what is it WORTH to him?
  • What pain is he going through, what is his worst problem or pain, and HOW painful is it?

Now let's not just tell your prospect about it, let's paint a picture in his mind. Don't just lead him to the picture, help him paint it in his own mind.

    The canvas is your prospect's mind.
      The paint brush is his own thoughts,
        But you are holding the brush.

Actually get him visualizing his pain, and just HOW MUCH pain he's in. He's got to see it, feel it, and measure it. Then get him to describe it back to you?.in measurable terms.

Then get him visualizing what it's like when it's gone.

Get him to visualize your product or service removing it, and HOW much better it will be.

Get him to describe it back to you?in measurable terms.

Then get him to paint a picture back to you of how much better it is in dollars or time, and how much better it feels.

Now go sell it!!!

Another EzineArticle "30 Seconds to Explosive Networking and Sales" goes into more depth on finding the measurable power words for your sales.

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