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Causes And Treatment Methods For Back Pain
9/23 16:12:08
Conventional treatment methods for back pain sufferers are a huge healthcare expense. Some conventional approaches focus only on the symptoms rather than the primary source of the back pain. Once the source of the back pain is corrected, a people may experience long-term relief. The following ways of treatment methods are the most commonly used techniques for back pain relief.

If people are suffering from lower back pain and have tried out everything that is possible either through medication or by exercising to get rid of that pain which has been bothering them for sometime now, than it is time that they met their doctor to find out the cause for their back pain. The back pain can be due to muscle sprains or for any other reason. It is not easy to find out what exactly is causing the pain as an MRI or x-ray scan is not effective in showing up the problem. It could be due to a slight misalignment of a spinal bone which is causing back spine and goes unnoticed or often the back muscle cause the discomfort.

A series of clinical tests is done by the doctor to eliminate possible causes for the pain at the lower back. The doctor would manipulate the leg movements to see the extent of the pain which can result in other parts of the body too. Almost all of the people are familiar with the reflex test while the doctor may also do some other unfamiliar tests. Further tests are determined by the doctor after the person feels a need for one to determine the exact cause for back pain. The doctor may also use high tech gadgets for testing which will provide a detailed report about the spine and its surrounding back muscles and ligaments and any problems associated with them. X-rays do not help to identify the pain which may be due to damage to muscle, ligament, tendon, or nerve in the spine.

MRI scan gives complete details about the condition of every part of the back inclusive of the nerves and discs and so helps the doctor to find out the causes for the lower back pain easily. The causes for lower back pain are numerous and MRI is an excellent way to diagnose the back pain. CAT scan or disc gram is other methods used to locate and detect the pain. IN a disc gram a dye is injected into the spinal discs to determine the source of the back pain.

There are many causes for back pain like pinched nerves, herniated disc, muscles that are strained, tumor of the spine, diseases which are degenerative, infections, arthritis, Osteoporosis and fractures. These problems can go unnoticed for along time and lead to severe back pain much later. The lower back is put into a lot of stress because of pressure which is applied while sitting continuously for hours especially people who work all day long at their desks and computers. To tackle this strengthening the lower back muscles helps greatly. You can buy your self special chairs which have been specially made so as to take off the strain from their back. Sitting on these special chairs while people work at their desk all day long will not only help keep their back straight but also prevent back pain. Most people who suffer from lower back pain have no cause to worry as the problem can be addressed easily with proper work out.

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