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Natural Remedy - Acupuncture Eases Back Pain
9/23 15:48:32

Back pain acupuncture is a healing technique developed over many years ago, and since then has been used as a fundamental medical treatment in China, Japan and Tibet. Acupuncture is known for its effectiveness in curing back pain as it stimulates the mind to heal the body by balancing the yin and yang energy flow. Although it's now heartily embraced in Western society and often, medical doctors will suggest it as a treatment for pain, they usually believe acupuncture's effectiveness stops there.

The first part of the acupuncture consultation will consist of careful questioning and examining by the practitioner, to determine the exact nature of your disharmony. So even if you came in complaining about your back pain, you will be asked about lifestyle, diet, sleep patterns and your emotional state. In addition, your doctor will also examine your tongue and feel your pulse. The quality, strength and rhythm of your pulse will reveal a lot to the practitioner, who will decide the treatment accordingly.

The actual back pain acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of sterile silver or gold needles into specific points on your body. In fact, there are more than seven hundred points on your body where the needles can be inserted. Typically, these needles are left in your body from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on your back pain condition. The effect can by anything from a heavy ache to relaxation and the complete relief of pain. Some patients report feeling like their body is lit up like an electronic circuit board. This is usually an indication of a successful acupuncture session.

You can get almost immediate results from back pain acupuncture, but it usually requires more than one visit. Sometimes it will just take a couple of treatments, but more often there is some relief of symptoms after five or so visits. For some patients who are uncomfortable with needle insertion, some practitioners are now using lasers to stimulate the same points along the meridians. Though this is a more expensive treatment than the traditional one, it is becoming increasing popular with back pain sufferers.

For more information on effective back pain remedies, quick cures for back pain or fun back pain exercises, you can visit this site: Back Pain Clinic

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