Lower Back and Hip Pain and important to note. Serious problems relating to back pain are of the hip and the lower back .Usually lower back and hip pain come hand in hand. Causes of hip pain are same as of lower back pain.
Basically your movements are affected if you are facing lower back pain and hip pain. This problem can not be removed fully and that is very painful. The old age people who face this problem are facing terrible experience. They have to stay at one place to avoid the movement and it is not possible for them to walk around their home.
If you ask your doctor the reasons of the lower back pain and hip pain, he may not give the answer. The causes of this pain are spinal stenosis, arthritis and a fracture. The pelvis, thigh bone and femur are together at hip joint. These bones have cover of articular cartilage, a different matter. It works as a shock absorber. Contraction and expansion with the pressure helps to protect the bones. The hip joint has a lubricating substance around the muscles. The hip joint has the capsule which can go in any direction as hip joint is the ball and socket joint. The nerves around this area come from lower back.
The causes of the lower back pain and hip pain occur at the same time are as follows.
Nerves serving the hip come from lower back and they are affected with neurological problem. Any muscle injury in lower back may affect hip muscles. This will be resolved automatically. But it is not easy to face such pain. Arthritis will affect both the organs hip and back.
From aging and use a situation arises where the fluid filled sacs get inflammation and this causes pain. An old age person may get fracture with the gentle fall. It could not be operated and hence the patient has to face the problem for his whole life.
Lower back pain can be treated with the regular treatment. After finding out the causes of the back pain doctor will suggest some medication with the exercise routine and the improvement in daily habits. Any change in the back pain should be pointed to your doctor. If there is pain in hip you should immediately contact your doctor because it may be a serious symptom of any other problem like arthritis or congenital hip problem. This is the situation where hip joint ball is not seated properly in the socket. If the socket is shallow the ball will move from the edge of the socket.
If your two legs are of different length then you might be facing the problem of hip pain. The arthritis also needs different treatment. These treatments are to be followed for longer period.
Treatment includes use of heat and cold water. Weight control and medicines against inflammation is necessary. Lower back and hips together give support to our whole body hence the attention to their problem is must for us to stand with strong support.
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