Before you even consider lower back pain therapy it is important to be evaluated by a medical professional in order to diagnose the cause of the problem. Not all lower back pain is caused by problems with the spine, muscles or ligaments. For example, kidney infections can cause an excruciating level of discomfort in the lower back. Most instances of lower back pain are caused by a slight strain or sprain and the patient will recover within a few days without any treatment other than rest and perhaps anti-inflammatory medication. However, sometimes the cause of lower back pain is something more serious such as arthritis, a severe injury, a fracture or a disc disorder.
Lower back pain therapy varies according to the patient’s particular problem. Treatment options sometimes include prescription pain medication or muscle relaxants. In some cases traction or surgery are necessary. The patient may also be fitted with a back brace or referred to a chiropractor. However, in the majority of cases the single most effective treatment for lower back pain is physical therapy.
Severe back pain is often the result of problems that arise because the spine and muscles are weak from underuse. Lower back pain physical therapy therefore involves strengthening the spine and the muscles that surround it. This helps the back to recover and also reduces the probability of further problems arising. It involves a set program of gentle back pain therapy exercises that move the spine, ligaments and muscles in a gradual and controlled way. This kind of lower back pain therapy requires the guidance and assistance of a trained physical therapist. Unlike other forms of treatment, physical therapy for lower back pain is effective in ninety percent of cases, even when the problem is particularly severe.
If you have a back problem that is causing you severe discomfort and reducing your quality of life perhaps you would be interested in trying lower back pain physical therapy. In order to give this kind if lower back pain therapy a try you must first find an experienced and fully qualified physical therapist. The best way of doing this is to ask your health care provider for a referral, though you may also wish to ask friends and relatives who they recommend or use the phone book. When choosing a physical therapist, always ask to see their license and credentials. By doing this you can make sure that they are fully qualified to provide you with lower back pain physical therapy.
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