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The Causes of Lower Back Pain in Women
9/23 15:47:23

There are many causes of lower back pain including lumbar strains and nerve irritation brought on by injury, wear and tear or arthritis. Lower back pain in women is caused by all the same things as men with a few exceptions such as pregnancy. Pregnancy causes lower back pain in women that can start in the early stages and continue through the late stages and beyond. Lower back pain is a symptom that can also come about because of disease in other organs. For example, bladder infections or appendicitis can cause terrible lower back pain. To relieve this back pain the underlying disease must be treated.

Pregnancy And Lower Back Pain

It is easy to see that pregnancy almost always causes lower back pain in women. As the baby grows and the mother gains weight she must compensate for the forward pull from her growing stomach by pulling her upper body back. This causes great strain resulting in pain in the lower back. Women suffer from general muscle pain throughout a pregnancy because the temporary changes in her body causes imbalances that put strain on many body parts. Standing, sitting and moving in general become more and more difficult as the pregnancy continues.

Lower back pain in women during pregnancy most likely will continue to worsen as time passes and may last for some time after giving birth. Stretching and other gentle exercises can help as well as heat and ice treatments. As a new mother regains her natural weight and slowly gets back to her normal routine, including regular exercise, her lower back pain should subside unless an injury or some other trauma has occurred.

Diseases Specific To Women

There are some diseases that only effect women and can cause lower back pain. Because female reproduction organ are susceptible to ailments such as various ovarian disorders and uterine conditions lower back pain in women is common. In these instances, treating the underlying problem will usually relieve the pain.

Bladder infections are much more common in women than in men and are very likely to cause lower back pain. In all cases of lower back pain in women, when pregnancy has been ruled out, tests should be done to eliminate these other causes. Some women with these ailments never have any other symptoms and use self-help treatments for the lower back pain allowing the underlying disease go unchecked.

There are many ways to treat lower back pain in women, even during pregnancy. Ask your doctor for advice before starting any self-help treatment or exercise program so that other health problems can be ruled out.

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