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Five Principles Of Fracture Field First Aid
9/22 11:43:37

Fractures are usually divided into closed and open two classes. Closed fracture refer to skin soft tissue relatively complete, fracture ends not communicated with the outside world; open fracture of phalanx of fold is a wound, fracture end is communicated with the outside. All parts of the body can be a fracture occurs, but the most common is fracture of the extremities.
Once suspected of having fractures, should minimize the affected area of the activity, transfer as far as possible with rigid bed. Below are the 5 principles of fracture after first aid.

Rescue a life
Severe trauma first aid first principle is to save lives. If found the wounded heart, breathing has stopped or is on the verge of stop, shall immediately proceed to external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; coma patients should keep the respiratory tract unobstructed, timely removal of the oropharyngeal foreign body; patients with consciousness disorder can acupuncture the Renzhong and Baihui point; open fracture wounds can be a massive haemorrhage, generally available dressing hemostasis by compression bandage. Severe bleeding if the use of tourniquet, must record began using tourniquet time, every 30 minutes to relax 1 times (every time 30 to 60 seconds), to prevent limb ischemia necrosis. In case of the above have life-threatening fracture patients, should be fast to hospital treatment.

Wound treatment
Open wound treatment should be appropriate and timely hemostasis, also should immediately with a sterile gauze or a clean cloth tied to prevent wound, wound continued to be contaminated. The wound surface of the foreign body should be removed, the exposed end of fracture not push into the wound, to avoid contamination of deep tissue. Qualified are best to use potassium permanganate disinfection liquid washing of the wound and dressing, fixed.

Simple fixed
Field first aid timely and correctly fixed limb can reduce the pain and the surrounding tissues continue to injury, but also to facilitate the handling and transfer. But when fixing at the first aid, it is a temporary. Therefore, should simple and effective, does not require accurate reduction of fracture; open fracture with bone exposed persons should not be reset, but should be fixed in situ. The first-aid site can obtain raw material locally, such as wood, lath, branches, sticks or cardboard and so can be used as a fixed equipment, its length to fix fracture at the upper and the lower two joints. If you can't get fixed hard objects, can also be used directly to the injured limb cloth strapped to his body, fractures of the extremities can be fixed on the chest wall, hanging in front of the forearm; fractures of the lower extremities with healthy limbs can be fixed together.

Necessary for pain relief
After severe trauma, intense pain stimulation can cause shock, therefore should give necessary analgesics. Such as oral pain pills, can also be a painkilling injection, such as morphine 10 mg or pethidine 50 mg. But the brain, chest injury can not be injected with morphine, so as not to suppress the respiratory center.

Safe transportation
After the rescue, should be rapid, safe transport of wounded to hospital. Transit should pay attention to action of light stability, prevent vibration and damage of the injured limb, in order to reduce the pain; noted for its warm and appropriate activities.

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