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Broken Bone Symptoms And Home Remedies For Bone Fracture
9/22 11:43:15

Your bones are tough stuff �" but even tough stuff can break. Like a wooden pencil, bones will bend under strain. But if the pressure is too much, or too sudden, bones can snap. You can break a bone by falling off a skateboard or crashing down from the monkey bars.

When a bone breaks it is called a fracture (say: frak-chur). There's more than one way to break or fracture a bone.

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The harder kids play, the harder they fall. The fact is, broken bones, or fractures, are common in childhood and often happen when kids are playing or participating in sports.

Most fractures occur in the upper extremities: the wrist, the forearm, and above the elbow. Why? When children fall, it's a natural instinct for them to throw their hands out in an attempt to stop it.

Although many kids will have one at some point, a broken bone can be scary for them and parents alike. To help make things a little easier if a spill results in a fracture, here's the lowdown on what to expect.

If more pressure is put on a bone than it can stand, it will split or break. A break of any size is called a fracture. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open fracture (compound fracture).

A stress fracture is a hairline crack in the bone that develops because of repeated or prolonged forces against the bone.

Broken Bone Treatment

Bone is constantly in a state of turnover, even when not damaged or injured. We continually absorb and replace the cells that make up our bones. Because of this natural turnover, the process of healing bone also comes about quite naturally.

However, in order for a fracture to heal as well as possible, a good reduction, or placement, of the bones must be attained.
When doctors talk about reduction or a fracture, or reducing the broken bone, they are talking about improving the alignment of the broken ends of the bone.

In most cases reducing a fracture involves placing the broken bone in a cast, often after a little pulling and tugging to achieve improved alignment.

If the reduction cannot be satisfactorily achieved (meaning the alignment is either not adequate or not sufficiently stable), then a further procedure may be necessary.

This usually means surgery with fixation of the bone with pins, plates, screws or rods.

Home Remedies for Broken Bone

a) Pineapple:

Until your broken bone has healed, eat fresh pineapple every day. The fruit contains bromelain � an enzyme known to lessen swelling and inflammation. Avoid canned or processed pineapples, which do not offer the same effect.

b) Calcium:

Calcium helps build strong bones. Decent sources can be found in beans and green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, and mustard greens. These types of foods also contain magnesium, which is known as a bone-healing supplement.

c) Avoid Caffeine:

Avoid drinking or eating items that contain caffeine, such as cola sodas, which have an effect on the absorption of calcium, which is needed to repair bones.

d) Zinc:

Increase your intake of zinc (through your diet or a supplement) to promote the repair of tissue damage associated with a broken bone. Foods high in zinc include beef, lamb, pork, turkey, chicken, and seafood, such as lobster, oysters, clams and salmon

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