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Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Aftermath and Diagnosis
9/29 10:56:48

Effects from Spinal Cord Injury
The physical and emotional consequences from a spinal cord injury (SCI) can be devastating. Loss of spinal cord function can affect activities that are autonomous (e.g. breathing) as well as thought-driven actions (e.g. driving). Both motor and sensory functions may be lost.

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA), not every spinal cord injury results from a motor vehicle accident (42%), violence (24%), falling (22%), or sports (8%). Occasionally SCIs are caused by diseases such as polio. Spinal cord injuries are usually described using the following terms:

Paraparesis: A slight degree of paralysis affecting the lower extremities

Paraplegia: Complete paralysis of both lower extremities and usually the lower trunk. The upper extremities are not involved.

Quadriparesis: Partial paralysis of all four limbs (arms, legs)

Quadriplegia (or Tetraplegia: Complete paralysis of all four limbs

Other terms used to describe neural dysfunction include:

Paresis: Partial paralysis

Paralysis: Partial or complete loss of motor function

Paresthesias: Abnormal sensation such as burning or tingling

The spinal cord does not have to be severed for function to be lost. Most people with spinal cord dysfunction present with the cord intact. Cord injuries usually fall into one of the following categories:

• Contusions, or bruising of the spinal cord

• Compression injuries that place pressure on the cord

• Lacerations or tearing (e.g., from a bullet)

• Central Cord Syndrome

• Complete severing (rare) W

When injury occurs and for a time period following, the spinal cord swells. Loss of function occurs below the level of the injury and may be permanent or temporary. Much depends on the severity of the injury.


Spinal Region Location Area Effected Spinal Levels Cervical Neck Neck, arms, hands C1 thru C7 Thoracic Chest Torso, parts of the arms T1 thru T12 Lumbar Low Back Hips, legs T12 thru L5 Sacral Pelvis Groin, toes, parts of the leg S1 thru S5

Symptoms may include loss of motor function, sensation or proprioception. The nerves responsible for these functions transmit their messages through the muscles, tendons, joints and other organs.

Destruction of sensory nerve fibers may lead to loss of sensation such as touch, pressure, and temperature. Reflexes may become exaggerated, bladder and bowel control may be lost, even the ability to breath normally may be compromised.

When spinal cord injury is suspected (e.g., spinal fracture) immediate medical attention is required. Spinal cord injury (SCI) is usually first diagnosed when the patient presents with a loss of function below the level of injury.

The initial evaluation includes x-rays, a CT scan, and possibly a MRI. Fractures are demonstrated on plain radiographs. CT scanning and MRI studies are used to evaluate the soft tissues in the spinal column. In addition, a myelogram may be performed to identify and evaluate spinal cord lesions caused by trauma or disease.

The neurologic evaluation includes assessment of the patient's symptoms, which might include loss of motor or sensory function. Other neurologic symptoms may include pain, numbness, paresthesias (e.g., tingling), muscle spasm, weakness, and bowel/bladder changes.

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