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Non-surgical Treatments for Kyphosis
9/29 9:27:37

Early treatment is important to try to stop the curve from becoming worse. The type of treatment you receive will depend upon the cause of your kyphosis.

A spine fracture may contribute to a kyphotic curve. Fractures may be treated with various methods, including bed rest, and pain management (analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs).

If your kyphosis is caused by poor posture, there are exercises you can do to make the muscles in the spine stronger. A physical therapist will teach you these exercises and show you how to correct your posture.

Kyphosis caused by a structural problem is often treated by wearing a special brace. The brace can help control pain and help slow or stop the curve’s progression. There are different types of braces, and your doctor will carefully select the appropriate option for you. The brace will then be custom-fitted to your body, to ensure that it fits you comfortably. Your doctor will discuss with you how to wear the brace, for how long each day, and for how many weeks or months. At first, you may need to wear the brace for more than 20 hours each day. Wearing a brace can be hard because it may feel uncomfortable at first. It may take some time to adjust to how the brace looks and feels. However, your doctor or nurse will be able to give you some helpful tips on how to make the brace as comfortable as possible. Try not to be overly self-conscious about wearing a brace—this treatment can help reduce the curve in your back!

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