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Arthritis- Its Symptoms And Cure
9/22 17:44:29
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the bodies own immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium (cell lining inside the joint). Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis.

Contributing factors include congenital hip luxation (which is genetically determined), obesity, osteoporosis, and inflammatory diseases such as Perthes' sickness and all chronic forms of arthritis (e. Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage which normally protects the joints allowing for smooth movement.

In the aged and children, pain might not be the main feature; the aged patient simply moves less, the infantile patient refuses to use the affected limb. These might include: rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF), extractable nuclear antigen, and specific antibodies.

Causes Of Arthritis

Fatigue is a result of the arthritis pain, this can make it harder to handle and a make it seem worse. Overdoing any physical activity or even staying still for to long will cause a reaction within the joints and the tissues and make it much harder to handle the arthritis pain, taking it easy and exercising lightly help to control the pain and keep it to a minimal. Many people tend to believe that if you do not stress over it, keep your mind busy and distracted it would be easier to cope with. Osteoarthritis results from wear and tear from playing certain types of sports, being overweight and getting older.

Cure for Arthritis

There are several ways to lessen how much pain you have when your arthritis acts up. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical and occupational therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), and medications (symptomatic or targeted at the sickness process causing the arthritis). Cold or heat therapy benefits some patients, as do relaxation techniques. Arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery) may be required in eroding forms of arthritis.

But studies also suggest green tea may help prevent or ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Commonly referred to as one of nature's perfect foods,bananas are perhaps best known for packing potassium, but they're also good sources of arthritis-fighting vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin C. In addition, salmon contains calcium, vitamin D, and folate. If you are in need of vitamin C but aren't a big fan of citrus fruits, reach for a green pepper.

It may also become red, swollen, and warm to the touch. You can also get more information on arthritis symptoms from the Arthritis Foundation.

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