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What is Arthritis and How do You Relieve the Pain?
9/22 17:42:17
As with many medical terms the word arthritis is derived from Greek and Latin words; arthron which means joint and itis which means inflammation. Arthritis is a debilitating disease which affects the musculoskeletal system and particularly the joints. While it is more common in people over 55 years of age, there are many people, including children, who are diagnosed with arthritis. The word arthritis is used as a general term, but in fact there are about 100 forms of the disease, the most common being osteoarthritis which does generally affects older people.

Arthritis affects the body's joints; it's the place where two bones interconnect. The bones are held in place by ligaments which can be compared to an elastic band which can stretch or relax depending on the contraction of your muscles. Between the two bones a cartilage which prevents the two bones from rubbing and within the space between the joints there is fluid known as synovium fluid, similar to oil, that lubricates the joints.

Common reason for getting arthritis is because the cartilage has worn away, or there is a lack of fluid. However, it is often caused by your own body immune system attacking your joints or infection and even a combination of many factors.
There are many drugs available to help treat arthritis, but as with all drugs, caution needs to be exercised and some have unpleasant side effects.

Experts in the field of arthritis consider that one of the best methods of keeping arthritic symptoms to a minimum is by ensuring a person eats a well-balanced diet. Things like fatty and sugary food are said to exacerbate symptoms. Red meat, cheese and cream need to be avoided. Fruit and vegetables and whole grains are considered good and getting a regular intake of Omega-3, high quantities of which are found in oily fish, is meant to help.

There is no cure for arthritis, but there is a lot a person can do to relieve the symptoms. There are many techniques and therapies which can ease the pain and provide a better quality of life to sufferers.

Many arthritis sufferers are concerned about the amount of drugs they are prescribed and the effect they can have on the body. Alternative or complementary medicine is playing an increasingly important role for many people with arthritis. Most types of alternative medicines are completely natural products and therefore are much safer than pharmaceutical drugs.

Herbal remedies in the form of oils and lotions are said to relieve swelling and increase joint movement. Homeopathy is understood to naturally reduce swelling and therefore reduce pain. The traditional art of Tai Chi is said to help increase movement, without the associated pain of some other forms of exercise. Additionally many people have turned to acupuncture. This is a process where needles are inserted into key areas of your body. The areas are the main energy fields and by inserting the needles, energy flow increases and this is said to help reduce the painful swelling around the joints.

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