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What Are Causes Symptoms And Treatment Of Arthritis?
9/22 12:08:44

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints causing severe pain and greatly reducing mobilization. Arthritis is a condition that we are all quite familiar with and even if you haven’t been afflicted with the condition it is most likely that you are acquainted with someone who is. It restricts the movement of joint causing a lot of pain and discomfort.

Arthritis is typically associated with old age and although most prevalent among the aged it can affect almost anyone, but this it is uncommon among young adults and children. Arthritis may not be a life threatening condition but it is a dreaded condition because of the extent to which it affects your life. Simple tasks and routines that we normally take for granted can become quite a challenge. For example, arthritis in the hands, wrists or fingers can make working at the computer near impossible. Arthritis can be managed and controlled to minimize its impact on your life. But to effectively control and treat the condition you need to be well informed and understand the condition.

There are various types of arthritis but most forms of the condition do cause some amount of swelling and pain the joints, so if you do experience pain and stiffness in any of the joints in your body on a regular basis then it is possible that you may be suffering from arthritis. All of our bodily movements and our mobility or flexibility is dependent on the proper functioning of the joints. Swelling or inflammation of the joints, which is typical of most types of arthritis, can however cause the joints to get severely damaged over time. Some forms of arthritis can even cause problems in organs like the eyes or skin.


Structural Changes in the Articular Cartilage in the Joints

Osteoarthritis results from structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints, usually those which are weight-bearing, such as the spine and knees.

Hormonal Imbalance, Physical and Emotional Stress

Rheumatoid arthritis is due to an inflammation of the synovial or lining of the joints. This is accompanied by swelling and eventually leads to deformity. The condition may be caused by hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, infection, severe fright, shock, and injury.


Hereditary factors may also be responsible for the onset of this disease.

Arthritis like osteoarthritis is also age related and it will not go away completely.

Some factors that put you at risk of developing arthritis however include being overweight. Obesity may cause arthritis to develop a lot more easily because of the high amount of stress and pressure on the joints. Performing certain repetitive movements like repeatedly hammering at a nail or batting could put stress on the concerned joint, which is why construction workers or baseball players for example are at risk. A lack of physical activity also contributes to deterioration and muscle or tissue loss and may contribute to arthritis. An unhealthy diet that is excessively high in fat or previous injuries to a joint may also contribute to the eventual development of arthritis.

Symptoms of arthritis

Feeling stiff when you first wake up in the morning is a common problem of arthritis. Morning stiffness causes you to hurt all over as you get out of bed. As you take your first steps, your joints and muscles ache so much; you want to crawl right back in bed. In fact, morning stiffness can be the most severe pain you feel all day and it can impair or interfere with your ability to function and perform routine tasks.

Increase in arthritis flare is a worsening condition of arthritis. It means that the pain is beyond control and tolerance.

Arthritis signs should not be ignored. You must pay attention to arthritis signs so that you can get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Joint tenderness, joint stiffness, redness around a joint, warm joints, fever, excessive fatigue and usual activities becoming difficult are some other signs of arthritis.


So, if you want to ward off the ill effects of osteoarthritis, anti oxidants is the key - the natural cure for arthritis. They ensure that the cartilage remains fairly intact. It is apparent then that the treatment of arthritis can be accomplished by eating fruits and vegetables as they are very good sources of antioxidants.

Vegetable juices especially a mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber is very beneficial. Green salad with lemon juice, cooked vegetables like pumpkin, spices like ginger, coriander, asafetida, and turmeric all contribute to the well being of the joints.

Fruits like apples, oranges, grapes, papaya should be taken liberally. In this context it is seen that Vitamin E is helpful not only in preventing breakdown of cartilage but also in generating the components necessary for the manufacture of cartilage. Collagen, which is an important constituent of cartilage, requires the presence of vitamin C. In some individuals, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers can prevent collagen repair, so the diet needs to be suitably altered to exclude these. It has been found that allergic foods can trigger joint pain, so the first step is to identify these foods and eliminate them from your diet. Be sure to go low on tea, sugar, yogurt, chocolate and tempting spicy and fried foods. A radical change in your lifestyle can do wonders for arthritis

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