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Arthritis Symptom Presentation Varies With Disease Type
9/22 12:07:46

Many people think of arthritis as a disease of the elderly. Creaking bones, slow gaits and gnarled fingers are what come to mind when a list of arthritis symptom possibilities is presented. The fact is the disease is actually known for a multitude of symptoms and these may vary depending on the type of arthritis present.

There are two major forms of arthritis and many other less prevalent forms, as well. The two most common types of arthritis are osteo and rheumatoid. Each tends to present with its own brand of arthritis symptom possibilities along with several they share in common. Let's look at both types and the typical symptoms that go along with them.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that tends to strike later in life. In this particular form of the disease, the arthritis symptom possibilities can range quite dramatically from patient to patient, but one thing that is shared in all cases is pain, or at least discomfort. This form of arthritis doesn't have a definitive known cause, but it is believed it can be brought on by genetic defects, overuse, age, diabetes and a host of other possible reasons. This particular form of arthritis tends to impact the joint cartilage that lines the bone within the joint.

The arthritis symptom possibilities for this type of the disease include such things as inflammation, pain, loss of movement, bony growths and more. In severe cases, the cartilage can break down almost entirely, removing the body's natural shock absorption system and creating a great deal of pain.

While the arthritis symptom possibilities will vary in this form from person to person, the impact of the disease is generally pretty strong. This form of arthritis affects about 20 million people in the United States alone.

The second major form of arthritis is rheumatoid. This, too, has no definitive cause, but is believed to be brought on by such things as heredity, hormones and even infection. The arthritis symptom possibilities in this form of the disease tend to be a little more broad, which makes it quite difficult to diagnosis initially.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the body's own immune system decides to attack and destroy the tissues in the joints. The arthritis symptom possibilities here are so wide because this form of the disease involves the immune system.

The typical arthritis symptom possibilities in rheumatoid include such things as swollen, stiff and painful joints, fevers, loss of use and even deformity in severe cases. Rheumatoid can also create arthritis symptom event in other areas of the body including the lungs, heart and eyes. Considering its more holistic attack on the body, this particular form of the disease is also known for making people feel very tired and generally ill overall.

Dealing with either form of the disease can be very difficult for patients to contend with. Generally doctors will attempt to address each arthritis symptom as it arises, which is considered a pretty good approach. Since neither form of the disease has a known cure, this is perhaps the best way to manage overall pain by handling treatment on a need-to basis. The best way for a person with different arthritis symptom possibilities to handle them is as they arise, while making sure a doctor is consulted for new therapies when they are needed.

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