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Arthritis Types And Diet To Get Rid Of Arthritis Joint Pain
9/22 12:06:52

Arthritis is a disorder that can cause lot of movement difficulties while moving from one point to another. You will not be able to find any permanent cure for the disease. You will have to carry the disease along with you till the end. There are some alternate healing methods that can bring great relief to the disease. This is usually in the form of yoga and other herbal treatment along with a controlled diet. Diet plays a very important role in case of arthritis.

A person with arthritis should depend on a balanced Arthritis diet. A balanced diet should involve good amount of fruits and vegetables along with other contents. You should make a point to increase the vitamin and protein consumption by reducing the carbohydrate consumption. Carbohydrate contents are not good for health especially if you are having arthritis. You entire food calorie should not exceed 2000.

Foods You Should Include In the Diet
The main problem is due to the deposition of toxins near the body joints. The best approach is to have lot of raw juices in the form of carrot or beetroot. This will help in the formation of an alkaline reaction which will definitely help in the removal of deposition in the areas surrounding the joints. You should stick with juices extracted from green leafy vegetables and you can benefit from vitamins and other minerals with great reduction in the carbohydrate contents.

Fruits also take up the major share in the diet menu of the arthritis patience. This is because of the nutrient supplied by the fruits and pine apple is the major fruit that must be consumed on regular basis. This is due to the presence of bromelain that helps in curing the joint pains and other body inflammations. Bananas, citrus fruits, apple, apricot are some of the other varieties that can be taken to get a relief from the Arthritis pain.


The analgesic property of garlic will help the arthritis patient to benefit from them. This will help in curing small infections around the body and also in case of inflammations. This should be taken daily either in raw form or in the form of diet supplements. You will be able to get great relief by consuming garlic along with your regular menu.

Finding Alternatives
Many dieticians recommend the arthritis patience to take juice extracted from potatoes. You can dilute it with water and also must make sure that the potatoes used for this purpose is organically grown without using any chemical substances along with outer skin without peeling. You should take this juice only in small amount every morning without having any other food.
You can also try out other quick remedies in order to escape from the disease. Alfalfa seeds tea will help you to get relieved from arthritis within 24 hours. You might be surprised to know this fact but it is true. You should take the tea neatly six to seven cups in 24 hours. You will be able to find many changes on your body condition bringing about a great relief from the pains and inflammations to which you were suffering. In fact this is a method that can be recommended to others who are in need to find relief within a short time frame.

Vitamins are very essential in order to lead a healthy life. Among all the vitamins, A and D help the body to clean themselves from other toxic substances present in them. You should design an Arthritis diet pattern that is rich in vitamin A and D in order to get maximum benefit out of it. You just need to expose yourself to sunlight to get vitamin D. A chemical reaction takes place with the skin in order to generate vitamin D.

Many studies have been conducted in order to find the exact food item that must be consumed in order to protect and help in curing the disease. You will be able to find a long list of food items that should not be consumed including meat stock, chocolates, candy, cheese, salads and many more. You should accordingly prepare your meal menu by including only those food items you can consume.

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