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Tips For Arthritis Pain Relief And Treatment For Joint Pain
9/22 12:06:49

Millions of people suffer the tender symptoms of arthritis and related diseases, which include inflammation, swelling, redness, pain and stiffness.

Although there are literally hundreds of different kinds of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout are the three most ordinary.
Contrary to popular belief the term "arthritis" refers to more than just one condition. In actuality it is a term which covers many varied conditions. It is also a common misconception that there is only one type of arthritis.
There are also many different types of arthritis which can develop. However, of the many types of arthritis which exist, there are only a few which are most prevalent.
The general definition of arthritis is a disorder of the joints which is characterized by inflammation and pain. In some patients the pain is extreme, while other patients are able to keep the symptoms under be in command of with a combination of diet, exercise, and over-the-counter pain-killers.
Unlike a variety of other treatments for a variety of other problems, joint pain is highly benefitted by natural medicine.


In fact, arthritis joint pain may in fact be the most naturally treated problem on the planet, as your joints and tissues do not need a bunch of chemical in order to improve their thickness and elasticity. Instead they need nutrients that can help them rebuild themselves and reduce the likelihood of irritation.
Arthritis Treatment

As described above ama and vata are the main causes, so efforts should be made to digest ama and to reduce the vata. The digestion should be improved so that no further ama is produced. Efforts should be made to alleviate the pain and inflammation. This is the line of treatment according to Ayurveda.

Fasting is very beneficial for digesting the ama. The fasting be complete or partial depending on the strength of the person, time and place. Two tea spoons of lemon juice mixed in 250 ml. of warm water and a tea spoon of honey is good to take twice a day -morning and evening.

Body massage with sesame or mustard oil helps to reduce the vata and thus reduce the pain. The joints affected by pain can be massage for longer time.
Home Remedies for Arthritis
1.Mix olive oil with diluted garlic, juniper, lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, or sassafras oil. The mix be supposed to be in the ratio of 1:10, where 10 represent the parts of olive oil. Massage this mixture over the affected area.

2.Steam baths and body massage have also proved worthwhile for people suffering from arthritis.

3.The person suffering from arthritis be supposed to consume food items rich in calcium, zinc and vitamin C.

4.An efficient home remedy for arthritis would be to have fresh potato juice in the morning. The juice should comprise of 50 percent potato juice and 50 percent water.
5.The simplest home remedy for arthritis would be to rub the affected area with warm vinegar, just before latent.

6.Mix 10 grams of camphor with 200 grams of mustard oil. Keep this mixture in a tightly corked bottle and expose it to sunshine, daily, until the camphor melts. Regularly massage the exaggerated area with this mixture.

7.Grind four peeled pieces of garlic, along with two grams of Sprague. Dip this mixture in 30 grams mustard oil and heat, on low flame, for 1-2 minutes. Massage the aching joints with this oil, after cooling it down, to get release from pain and swelling.

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