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How To Deal With Your Ankle Arthritis?
9/22 12:06:10

While ankle arthritis may be one of the less common types of arthritis, it can be a very painful one for those who suffer from it. There are a number of causes of it, and a case of this condition can often be attributed to a specific event or injury. This means that if you suffer an injury to your ankle in your earlier years of life, arthritis is a condition that you should be on the lookout for as you age.

The good news is that there are a number of possible treatment options for this condition, and they can range from changing your footwear to a variety of surgical options. Your doctor will be the best source of information in diagnosing and treating your ankle arthritis.


There are a number of reasons why you might be diagnosed with ankle arthritis, and one of the most common is a previous injury to the area, such as a sprain or fracture. These types of injuries can lead to damaged cartilage in the ankle, and may result in accelerated arthritis in the joint as well. It is also possible to develop arthritis in your ankle if you are overweight and placing undue stress on the joints. Another possible cause is rheumatoid arthritis that can spread to any of the joints of the body, including the ankle joint.


Symptoms of ankle arthritis include pain, stiffness and swelling around the ankle joint. You may also notice that you develop bone spurs in the area, or that the joint itself becomes deformed. Another symptom of this type of arthritis is the feeling that the joint will give out, or you may feel that you are not completely stable on your feet. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor about the possibility that you have arthritis and begin weighing your treatment options.


Treatment for ankle arthritis can range from gentle strengthening exercises, to medication and cortisone injections, and even surgery in some cases. One of the first treatments that you can try is a simple modification of your footwear. Many who suffer from ankle arthritis find relief from the pain by simply using cushioned insoles inside of their shoes.

If a simple process like this does not help to ease your discomfort, your doctor can advise you in the use of anti-inflammatory medications and may prescribe cortisone shots for particularly severe pain. In some cases, surgery will be the best treatment for ankle arthritis, and this can range from arthroscopy to fusion surgical procedures.

If you suspect that you might be suffering from ankle arthritis, talk to your doctor today about a diagnosis and your treatment options. You will be glad you did.

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