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Arthritis Symptoms
9/22 12:03:46

Most of the 100 types have similar arthritis symptoms that point to arthritis disease for both you and the doctor. These arthritis symptoms can be evaluated by you at home so that your first doctors appointment will be effective and they will be able to recommend the correct tests immediately.
The causes of the arthritis symptoms are from the breakdown of cartilage and the chemicals that are released. The most common symptom is joint pain but the type of pain can vary greatly which helps the doctor to determine the type of arthritic joint disease you might have. Your pain may be generalized or localized to one joint. You may have a chronic achy-ness or the pain may be acute. You may have pain with certain motion such as walking, getting up and down from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object or throwing a ball. Any activity that causes discomfort each time you perform it is a sign that there is damage done to the joint or an injury.
Another consistent arthritis symptom is joint swelling, stiffness, redness or warmth. Not all of the 100 types cause these symptoms but there are enough that it bears mentioning. Having or not having redness and warmth helps the doctor to diagnose the correct arthritis so treatment is appropriate and is successful.
Many of types of swelling will disappear when the underlying reason has disappeared. In some instances the swelling doesn’t go away. The joint can develop arthritic changes due to chronic overuse or using the joint in the same way and causing repetitive damage.
Other arthritis symptoms include joint deformity, loss of range of motion or flexibility in the joint, an unexplained weight loss and non-specific fever. This fever seems to have no infectious reason and is sometimes higher at night than during the day.
Some people who suffer from arthritis also find that they have crepitus in their affected joints. This is a condition where you are able to feel the joint damage by either palpating (feeling) or by actually feeling it as you move the joint.
Other sufferers complain of extreme fatigue, lack of energy, weakness and feeling of malaise. If you are able to go to your doctor with a comprehensive list of arthritis symptoms you are experiencing you’ll help your physician diagnose your problem early and start a treatment plan immediately which increases your chances of success.
Articles provide a general overview.For more helpful advice,information,videos & self help books please visit:<a href="Arthritis">">Arthritis Symptoms</a>

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