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Omega-3 Glucosamine And Chondroitin:can They Help With Arthritis
9/22 12:02:20

It is very well documented that Omega-3 fatty acids have the ability capability to decrease irritation. It is well know that Omega-3 properties are very strong anti-inflammation.It is also a very good idea to use fish oils in the care of arthritis.It is always worth asking: does it really work and can fish oils really be considered as a cure?

It can be stated that of most alternative medicine therapies, that there is not yet enough research to say if fish oil is truly effective in easing the symptoms identifed with arthritis. However, early research is very persuading.

The latest clinical trials and studies have stated that fish oil, because of structure of omega-3 , can be very be usefull in reducing stiff morning muscles and tiring joints that most arthritis sufferers have. Researchers have not yet concluded the correct amount of dosage for effectiveness, nor how long treatment should last.

There is a very important issue for people that are on medications that affect their blood and that is: researchers have found that fish oil supplementation can, in some cases increase the risk of blood's ability to clot.

Fish oil supplementation has also been shown to interact with blood pressure medications. Apparently, taking fish oil supplements while taking high blood pressure medications may cause their blood pressure to lower significantly.

Some fish, notably: swordfish, tuna, king mackerel, tilefish, and shark, have very high levels of mercury and this makes consuming fish oils a risk particularly to young children, and women who are pregnant or nursing.

This risk must be avoided and the best way to do that is to call up the manufacturer and ask about their mercury levels.

Mainly, besides the above-mentioned risk the good news is that taking fish oil usually causes very few side effects and those that do exist are quite small, and indeed may only be stomach disturbances.

On the fringe of current arthritis treatment, Glucosamine and Chondroitin have not yet been proven by medical research to have health benefits for arthritis sufferers, so why have these two dietary supplements become all the rage?

The said boffins have done some work on these two supplements with animals and it has been found that anti-inflammatory properties are present in both.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are two dietary supplements that have become popular supplements for treating the symptoms of arthritis. Many faithful users have begun to sing the praises of these two dietary supplements.

The question, as always is : do they really work? Well here is some information to help you decide if these supplements are right for you at this time.

First off: What is Glucosamine?

Its full name is Glucosamine sulfate, and it is a natural substance that is found in the joints. Beside your own joint fluid, Glucosamine can also be found in certain sea creatures, including the shells of crabs, lobsters, and shrimps. Scientists can also create Glucosamine in the laboratory. Our bodies create our own steady supply of Glucosamine that it uses to create and repair lost cartilage. Cartilage is important because it keeps bones from rubbing against each other and absorbs the shock and force of the impact.

This arthritis supplement is generally well tolerated. However, side effects can occur. The most commonly reported side effects of glucosamine and include:Nausea/Diarrhea/heartburn/increased intestinal gas and constipation

Like Glucosamine, Chondroitin (or Chondroitin sulfate) can also be found in the fluid surrounding the joints. It can also be found in cattle and sharks.

If you take medicines known as 'blood-thinning' medicines, such as heparin, to prevent blood clots, speak to your doctor before taking chondroitin, as it may increase the risk of bleeding. Chondroitin can also occasionally cause stomach upset.

Conclusion: The agreement among doctors is that Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements could well lessen pain in some patients with Osteoarthritis. Many now believe that there is value in trying these supplements for Osteoarthritis. They do appear to be safe, but doctors are warning patients that the quality and effectiveness of Glucosamine and Chondroitin varies because of the non-regulation. If you want to try them, buy high quality products and there is no better then Aloe Vera Freedom with a 60-day money back guarantee.

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