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Can Vitamin B12 Help With Arthritis?
9/28 16:27:04

Although there's no cure for arthritis, there are many lifestyle changes and treatment options that may help people who have joint pain.

Can Vitamin B12 Help With Arthritis?

You may have heard that vitamin B12 could relieve arthritis symptoms. Here are the facts behind all the buzz about this popular vitamin.

Joint pain and bone health

According to Mayo Clinic, preliminary research suggests that B12 may relieve joint pain in the elbow. However, further research is needed to confirm the finding.

The Arthritis Foundation sheds light on the relationship between B12 and bone health, claiming that the vitamin reduces homocysteine. Elevated levels of this amino acid are linked a variety of ills, from rheumatoid arthritis to heart attacks to an increased risk of bone fractures.

Fight vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is vital for the body to function properly. Without enough, you may develop depression and lack of energy among other symptoms, according the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. People with osteoarthritis are already at a greater risk for these conditions, so it's important to not let vitamin B12 deficiency worsen them.

Where can I find vitamin B12?

According to the Arthritis Foundation, the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms per day. This nutrient is found naturally in certain foods like seafood, meat, and dairy products. Crab, caviar, beef liver, turkey giblets, eggs, and cheese are all chockfull of B12.

Of course, you can also walk down nearly any nutrition aisle in a grocery or drug store and find this vitamin in pill form. Injections, nasal sprays, and transdermal patches are also available. Speak with your doctor before supplementing your diet with vitamin B12. He or she can determine whether this is appropriate for you.

For more on arthritis supplements and treatments:

Supplements and Vitamins for Arthritis
Glucosamine May Be Futile for Arthritis Patients
Supplemental Relief: Get the Facts About 4 Supplements for Pain

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