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4 Ways to Tackle Arthritis Pain Without Drugs
9/28 16:25:56

There are many ways to manage arthritis pain that do not involve medications.

4 Ways to Tackle Arthritis Pain Without Drugs

The right arthritis medications are vital for managing your condition successfully. However, some patients may not want to use medicine to kill arthritis pain, or your medicine may not do enough to relieve your pain. When you find yourself in such a situation, it's important to have other options that you can turn to. Here are a few options for managing pain without drugs, or in addition to drugs. Discuss them with your doctor to see whether they would be a good idea for you.

1. Heat and cold

When you apply something hot or cold directly to where you're experiencing arthritis pain, it may help considerably. Usually, heat is best for the kind of pain arthritis brings, though cold can be helpful for acute pain. You have many options for using different temperatures to control your discomfort. For example, maybe you would like to take a warm bath, or even purchase a paraffin wax bath device that may help your hands or feet feel better. There are also heating and cooling lotions and creams, as well as heating pads and warming blankets. You should be careful with all of these options if your skin is very sensitive or your circulation is poor, as they could burn you. However, if you use them wisely, these treatments can be a great way to get a little extra relief.

2. Bodywork

Bodywork is a term that covers many different alternative health options, each of which you should discuss with your doctor before you make an appointment. You may not have thought of it before, but certain kinds of massage, acupressure and even acupuncture may make a meaningful difference in your arthritis pain levels. Of course, this requires you to research good providers and determine whether any of these options appeal to you. It may take time to find a practitioner you really get along with and whom you trust, but it can be more than worth it in the end if bodywork helps you live with less pain.

3. Look to the mind

The way you think and feel about pain actually has a huge impact on how you feel it. If you're struggling with depression, anxiety or stress, you may actually be feeling more arthritis pain than you would otherwise. This is when it's a great idea to ask your doctor about therapists who specialize in treating people with chronic illness and pain. A therapist can help you learn techniques to change your thinking - and that you can practice anywhere at any time. It's likely the therapist will introduce you to cognitive-behavioral therapy, which focuses on helping you managing both your mental and physical states and isn't difficult to begin learning.

4. Get moving

If it is at all possible for you, consider the benefits of exercise. Whatever you can do, even if it's only exercises from a chair, may help you feel much better, both short-term and in the future.

If you use alternative remedies like these for arthritis, remember to never discontinue taking prescription medicine without first discussing it with your doctor.

For more on treating arthritis:

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