Arthritis? Are You Sick and Tired?
Are you sick and tired of having the doctors give you new drug prescriptions and telling you to, "Go home and learn to live with it”?
Take back control over your life, get up in the morning and be glad it is a new day!
I spent 43 years dreading every day. Taking untold amounts of drugs and then having to put up with the dangerous side effects they caused.
After calling and telling Jack Goldstein, M.D. my problem, these are the first words he said to me. ”ARTHRITIS IS THE EASIEST DISEASE TO GET RID OF”
I did exactly what he told me to do.
There are over 100 types of arthritis but they are all degenerative diseases. It really does not matter what name the medical community wants to call it. All degenerative diseases can be reversed.
Any degenerative disease, such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, colitis, stomach disorders, obesity, colds, flu, acid reflux, allergies, cancer, heart troubles, heart attacks, glaucoma, senility, cerebral hemorrhage, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease, sex disorders, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, cataracts, etc. the list goes on and on, are just names for the fact that your immune system is not working the way God intended it to work.
Jack Goldstein, M.D., who put me on the road to recovery, cured his colitis the same way. They told him he was going to die from colitis unless he had an operation and he would have to wear a bag for the rest of his life. He chose the natural way and was back with his patients in months. Colitis is a degenerative disease.
You have a degenerative disease. Since we generally create degenerative diseases ourselves by our life style and eating habits, it follows that we can change this situation. When you have a degenerative disease your immune system is not working properly.
I am here to help you. I am so grateful to Jack Goldstein, M.D. for putting me on the path of a pain free life that I vowed 23 years ago to be there for anyone with arthritis.
Please remember that you CAN get your health back. You CAN live a pain free life. By making your immune system stronger and therefore the immune system will begin the healing process.
I will help you to help yourself to a pain free and healthy life.
Best of Health,
Margie Garrison - “The Arthritis Lady”
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