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A Look at What Hip Osteoarthritis Is
9/23 15:21:09

Osteoarthritis can severely impact a person’s joints and more particularly the hips as too the knees. Hips have to bear most of a person’s body weight and with the passage of time there is bound to be deterioration of the smooth as well as shiny articular cartilage that ensures that the hip joints can function smoothly and without feeling any pain. When the articular cartilage deteriorates it leads to discomfort as well as stiffness in the joints and buttocks and even the thighs and all this discomfort only worsens when you move. This discomfort occurs on account of inflammation to the joints in the hip region which then leads to reduction in the joints’ ability to rotate and it also hampers their flexibility as well as movement.

Either Gender Can Be Affected

Hip osteoarthritis is a condition that can affect either gender in equal measure and the reasons for onset of this problem are many and include a person’s age and whether or not they are obese and in addition the problem also occurs on account of congenital deformity. Furthermore, hip osteoarthritis also occurs on account of injuries and stress and what’s more, once the symptoms of hip osteoarthritis develop there is little that can be done to reverse the effects of the condition.

Once you are struck down with hip osteoarthritis you will then certainly find it necessary to get continuous treatment which will help in reducing the discomfort. Getting early treatment also helps and in addition it is necessary that you consult your doctor in order to ascertain the true extent of damage and which the best treatment option is.

Doctors generally make use of X-rays to find out whether any changes have taken place in the hip region and in addition they use the X-rays to find out what other abnormalities have occurred. Women are very susceptible to developing hip osteoarthritis and the simplest thing they can do to get relief is to use a cane or other form of support and in addition they must also cut down on household chores which would otherwise exacerbate the condition.

When the hip osteoarthritis condition advances it can turn out to be very serious and when this occurs then the only solution is to undergo hip replacement surgery and even arthoplasty which can provide much relief from the pain and which also helps in improving mobility.

Osteoarthritis treatment is something that should be likened to a joint venture between the doctor and the patient. An ideal treatment solution is one in which the physician takes into account the personal needs of the patient and who also proposes a treatment that is most likely to alleviate the medical symptoms.

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