Unfortunately, the exact psoriatic arthritis cause is yet to be found though several possible reasons for the onset of this disease are known and which include hereditary and environmental factors as well as immunological reasons. When it concerns hereditary psoriatic arthritis causes it has been found that about forty percent of psoriatic arthritis patients are known to have previous family history of the condition and that too in an immediate relative.
Another way of looking at the hereditary factors is that Chromosome 6p genes are known to be closely linked with psoriatic arthritis and in addition there are also other genes that are known to be linked closely to psoriatic arthritis. Of course, just because a family member had psoriatic arthritis does not necessarily mean that their descendants will also develop this disease; in fact it only means that the risk of contracting psoriatic arthritis is greater. Even a viral infection as too a bacterial infection are known to be possible psoriatic arthritis causes, especially when such infections occur in people that have inherited tendencies.
There are also environmental psoriatic arthritis causes that should be understood and which include certain kinds of infections that may predispose a person to developing psoriatic arthritis. In addition, traumas too are known to precipitate an onset of psoriatic arthritis, especially the condition known as Koebner phenomenon in which a sufferer will develop psoriasis at the site of their trauma.
The third kind of psoriatic arthritis cause is the one that is relates to immunological factors. In such cases, a person’s B as well as T cells and cytokines as too chemokines are known to play an active role in onset of inflammation in psoriatic arthritis. In addition, even tumor necrosis factor has been identified as an immunological psoriatic arthritis cause. The substance tumor necrosis factor or TNF will result in inflammation primarily in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis but is also closely linked with psoriatic arthritis and in fact people that suffer from psoriatic arthritis are known to have high amounts of TNF present in their bodies.
The bottom line is that in regard to understanding psoriatic arthritis causes it has been seen that a person that already is suffering from psoriasis will be at greater risk of developing psoriatic arthritis. So, this too is another possible cause.
It also pays to find out more about psoriasis psoriatic arthritis as the two conditions are so closely related to each other. The good news is that psoriasis is not contagious and so it will not be passed from one person to the next.
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