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Groin Pain Treatment
12/2 10:19:30

Partial or complete rupturing of the adductor muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the groin is often the reason behind pain in this part of the body. This write-up provides treatment options and self-care measures for getting relief from groin pain.

More often than not, injuries that cause inflammation of the ligament, muscles, and tendons in the groin are responsible for causing groin pain. Many a time, the adductor muscles in the inner thigh region get overstretched while playing sports or lifting weights. Tension in inguinal ligament that is attached to the pubic bone or other ligaments of this region could also give rise to pain in this part of the body. Osteitis pubis, which is a medical condition associated with an inflammation of the pubic bone, can also cause pain around the inner thighs. Inguinal hernia, which might occur due to lifting heavy weights, pressure over the abdomen, obesity, abdominal wall weakness, or straining during bowel movements, could also be a contributing factor. While the contributing factors include kidney stones, inflamed lymph nodes, inflamed testicles, testicular tumor, or testicular torsion in case of men, women might experience pain in the groin due to ovarian cysts, hernia, genital herpes, pelvic problems, urinary infections, etc.

Treatment and Precautionary Measures

Blood tests, urinalysis, and imaging procedures can help in detecting the underlying cause of pain. If a pulled groin ligament is causing pain, doctors generally recommend the RICE approach for the treatment of groin pull. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Rest coupled with application of ice packs can help in reducing pain and swelling. Wearing compression wraps and propping the legs on pillows while resting will also help. Using anti-inflammatory drugs can also help in alleviating pain. Once the injury heals, one can perform stretches or go for massage therapy to strengthen the muscles.

In severe cases, where reconstruction of ligaments or tendons is required, a procedure called prolotherapy might be recommended. This involves the use of dextrose injections at the point where the ligament or tendon meets the bone. The injection of dextrose solution helps in repairing the tissues and stimulates the growth of new ligament. It is very effective at alleviating pain caused due to weakness of ligaments.

In case of people affected by inguinal hernia, surgery might be recommended. Hernia repair involves making incisions and pushing back the protruded section of intestine. This is followed by sewing back the torn muscle. If pain is caused due to kidney stones, one can either use home remedies for dissolving kidney stones or undergo surgery for the removal of kidney stones. Procedures such as shock wave lithotripsy, nephrolithotripsy, or ureteroscopy can also be used for the treatment of kidney stones.

At times, pain in this area could also be caused due to urinary infections or infections affecting the reproductive organs. These can be treated with the help of drugs. Ringworm, yeast infections, or bacterial infections can cause a groin rash, which might lead to pain and itching in groin area. While one can take painkillers for alleviating pain, topical application of medicated creams can help in reducing itching or burning sensation in the groin region. While you are recovering from any of these conditions, make sure that you don't indulge in activities that might cause stress on the muscles and ligaments in the groin region.

Since pain in the groin region could be caused due to a wide range of reasons, those who often experience pain in this part of the body should get themselves medically examined. A timely diagnosis and treatment will ensure a speedy recovery.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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