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What To Do About A Broken Bone Injury Claim?
9/22 15:23:11

Suppose you have a broken bone that is due to some sort of accident that is no fault of your own - what do you do about it? The best thing to do is to see a solicitor about a broken bone injury claim. This can help a person get what they have coming to them financially, especially if they have been injured at work.

Take John, for example. He was injured at work due to a faulty piece of machinery. He got a broken arm and actually had to get pins put in it to get it to set. As a matter of fact, his arm was so badly mangled by the machine that they thought they would have to take it off. Fortunately, they saved his arm, but his heartless employer thought it best that he give John the sack and hire another man. John has two kids to support and suddenly was not only severely injured due to a faulty machine, but also had no job. He was considering having to move in with his in-laws in order to make ends meet.

Fortunately, he came across a solicitor who was willing to make a machine injury claim against the company. This also included the broken bone injury claim that John sustained in his arm. The claims did not cost John any money at all, the solicitor did this for him on a conditional fee basis. This means that the lawyer does not get paid unless a settlement is reached on behalf of the client. In the case of John, he received a good settlement that enabled him to recover while still taking care of his children and also got him back on his feet financially. He is now doing very well and has an office job and is not hurting for money.

A good solicitor is someone who will help people like John who may think that they have no recourse whatsoever when they get hurt. In the case of the employer, they had faulty machinery that they had been told about over and over again. They were not about to pay John for any of his pain and suffering he endured, in fact, they gave him the sack and said it was his fault that he got his arm mangled in the machine. The lawyer was able to prove otherwise and got him the money that he needed to make it through.

The same can happen to anyone. Those who think that the employer will look out for them if they get injured at work are sadly mistaken. Most employers look at the bottom line and will also lay blame on employees, even if they know that an accident is not their fault. The same goes for motorists or bus companies. They seek to pay out as little as possible, leaving those who are injured with no other choice but to instruct a solicitor. However, it does not have to cost any money to get a solicitor to represent your interests if you have been injured in an accident. They will do this on a conditional fee basis and give you the help that is needed in such a time when you need it the most.

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